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My Yugioh World Championship 2007 deck


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This was made of cards i wanted to use that i got so far, i am trying to get a third mystic swordsman lv 6, but im not getting lucky


Edit: Got the third Swordsman



20 Monsters


3x Mystic Swordsman lv 2

3x Mystic Swordsman lv 4

3x Silent Magician lv 4

2x Maurding Captain

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

Goblin Attack Force

Command Knight


3x Mystic Swordsman lv 6



2x Silent Magician lv 8


10 Spell


2x Level Up!

2x Level Modulation

2x Return from the 4th Demension

Smashing Ground

Premature Bariel

Lightning Vortex

The A. Forces


10 Trap


2x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Sakuretsu Armor

2x Threatening Roar

2x Covering Fire

Hallowed Life Barrier

Mirror Force



rate 1-10 and give suggestions to make it better, so far its undefeated

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