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Digimon V.S. Pokemon

Silent Omega

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[b]Name:[/b] Cynder
[b]Age:[/b] 12
[b]Appearance:[/b] http://thunderwest.deviantart.com/art/Cyndaquil-GO-75279979
[b]Bio:[/b] He was raised by his father, Typhlosion and his mother, Quilava. His brother, Quils was a Shiny Cyndaquil who used to teased Cynder because he wasn't shiny. Quils made Cynder become shy. But one day Quils took it too far. Quils pushed Cynder into a volcano. Cynder was trapped in the volcano for several days. Surviving the harsh conditions inside the volcano, Cynder learned how to fight. Once he came out of the volcano he beat up his brother 'till he cried and ran to his mother. Quils never teased him again.
[b]Personality:[/b] A shy yet strong Cyndaquil. He loves a good fight.
[b]Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team:[/b] The Defending Team.
[b]Pokemon or Digimon:[/b] Cyndaquil
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Squritles looks around for a sign that showed him to get out of here.

Squirtles: I got to leave this place.

Squirtles looks around and finds a sign ruined by the war. He could barely read lettering. He could make out 'DOCKS ________ AHEAD'

Squirltles: Any thing will do me fine. Maybe I could find someone to do some jobs...

Squritles heads of towards the docks.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Two words.






"Damnit!" Ytidens muttered furiously to himself. "We need more power... But as a DreadWormmon, EXP is a little tough to get. I need to Digivolve, damnit, and to do that, I need to kill something!"


Xanalyama rocketed into the forest as Xellos looked over the note she'd left, absolutely confused.


There are two ways to get yourself killed here, Mazoku:

•If there's a scratch on Ytidens when I get back

•If you show Ytidens this note

With all due respect,

~Xanalyama Omega ♥

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