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Digimon V.S. Pokemon

Silent Omega

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"What?" the Duskull mocked. "You've met the Slayers before? Ooh, then you must have the worst impressions..."


He teleported into the trees. "They're not that bad, you know," he called down, laughing as he teleported away from Alex's blast and back to Ytidens's party.




"Any luck?" he asked vaguely. "I had the most wonderful time..." He licked his teeth again.


"Not really," Ytidens admitted. "I found out I can't really do anything as a DreadWormmon, but that's about it. You tick them off sufficiently?"


"Absolutely," Xellos giggled.


OoC: Finding us is teh godmodz. U no track teh teleportz. U gotz?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

OoC: Characters aren't meant to be understood until the story plays out, now, are they? Now, rest assured, Ytidens is off recruiting, but that crap's too boring to write.

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Name: Shock

Age: 14

Appearance: http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg106/annettedondiego/Mareep.gif

Bio: Was raised by a loving father Ampharos and a caring mother Flaafy. He does not like fighting but will if he has to.

Personality: Shy, quick to defend his friends, loves to try and make friends

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: Pokemon

Pokemon or Digimon: Mareep.

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