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Digimon V.S. Pokemon

Silent Omega

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[spoiler=Plot]Pokemon and Digimon has been seperated for years, but now...they've unlocked the dimension gate between each other and started a war! Fortunately, there are some with senses and teamed up with the opposing team! Who will you be? Choose!!



The most important rule of all





Name:{You d not need a name depending if you want to be called your "Title"}

Age:{The average year for Pokemon and Digimon is 10-30}

Appearance:{Link only}



Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team:

Pokemon or Digimon:




[spoiler=The Omega]

Name:Alex Sparks





Personality:Calm, Intelligent

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team:The Defending Team

Pokemon or Digimon:Dorumon




Name: Zeke

Age: 13



Bio: Zeke is a fun loving Riolu. He loves to fight and play around. He is a great battler but a better friend.

Personality: Kind, shy, and friendly

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: Pokemon

Pokemon or Digimon: Riolu


[spoiler=Kuja the Magnificent]

Name: N/A

Age: 11

Appearance: He's a Veemon with a strawhat and a red vest.

Bio: Veemon, or his title "The Pirate Mimic", loves to act like a pirate, and is quite jolly about boring things. He joins up with Dorumon on The Defending Team to find adventure and treasure.

Personality: Jolly and optimistic.

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: The Defending Team

Pokemon or Digimon: Veemon


[spoiler=Supreme Gamemaster]

Name: Master Ytidens

Age: 19




The name shakes most knowledgeable beings to the core.

And for good reason.

The terrifying dragon once lent his strength to a dangerously unstable, radical Digimon tamer calling himself Ytidens and his Digimon partner, Dreadmon... after Ytidens had already died.

Now, the two have merged to achieve their supreme goal. Alongside his second Digimon, Arkadimon, the viciously defensive Scyther merged with Xanalyama Omega, and the mysterious, dimension-hopping Duskull — with a Dusknoir's stats — called Xellos, Ytidens will conquer the world, just as he had always dreamed... and create an era of pure happiness, with liberty and justice for all.

If the chosen heroes will hear him out, that is.

Personality: Unflappably calm and confident, Ytidens hides his horrendous, schizotypal insecurity with remarkable skill. Thus is also how he conducts battle: far weaker than most Wormmon, DreadWormmon instead relies on defensive powers and tactical, indirect strategies. A charming young man and master manipulator for all his faults, Ytidens is best known for his impossible charisma: he led half the Seven Demon Lords into revolt, and actually defeated Lucemon after destroying himself and Susanoomon at once.

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: None of the above; he wants to rule both worlds.

Pokemon or Digimon: DreadWormmon (CAN BECOME DreadKaiserDramon Infinity Sentinel later in the RP)


Name: Xanalyama Omega

Age: 19



Maya Lana Agome never met anyone interesting.

Her prodigious intellect and powerful empathy were mixed blessings; she could get to the core of most beings in a heartbeat. Though this made her interactions horribly boring, there was a worse side.

What she found always terrified her; the world she found in human nature was a horrible one.

Desperate to escape her community, she burned her school to the ground. It worked; she was exchanged to an inner-city school district in days. At first, it was no better... until she met him.

Kaÿné Yraknisol was a very dangerous young man. But in may ways, he was the most admirable person Maya had ever met. He had suffered the worst of what Maya had predicted. They were instant friends. They constantly plotted together, scheming to overthrow society and start their own paradise. This didn't change when Kaÿné met Dreadmon, and Maya met Dracomon Black; if anything, it galvanized the duo into planning seriously.

Then came the attempt on Kaÿné's life. He easily dispelled his attackers — Maya got the story from their hospitalized bodies — but he vanished without a trace.

Maya was horribly desperate. She even turned to Dracomon for information. He soon provided it: Kaÿné was dead, but not gone. He'd given himself an alias, and was gathering an army for a grand coup d'état of the Digital World. Fashioning her own alias — Xanalyama Omega — Maya followed him.

They were beaten.

Now, the Pokémon World is an available resource, and there were no children of destiny to get in their way. Xanalyama was all but addicted to Pokémon and its sister series while in the human world; merging was no problem. After transplanting her soul to a Scyther, she began escorting her virtually impotent friend, a DreadWormmon, about the worlds, hoping to gather allies — or, better yet, win her only friend's heart. After all, perfidia est pessimus vitium.

Personality: Xanalyama can actually portray a variety of personalities; her favorites are her quiet, thoughtful self and a heartless, manipulating b****. No, really. Her true personality is a bit of both, though she has yet to actually show this.

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: None of the above; she wants to rule both worlds.

Pokemon or Digimon: Scyther (CAN BECOME DreadKaiserDramon Infinity Sentinel later in the RP)


[spoiler= jeroukoo]





Bio: Lost his parents to a pack of Luxray. He vows to find and destroy all of them.

Personality: Headstrong

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: Defending

Pokemon or Digimon: Squirtle


[spoiler=Kimeramon's Rule]

Name: Shock

Age: 14



Bio: Was raised by a loving father Ampharos and a caring mother Flaafy. He does not like fighting but will if he has to.

Personality: Shy, quick to defend his friends, loves to try and make friends

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: Pokemon

Pokemon or Digimon: Mareep.



Name: Cynder

Age: 12


Cyndaquil GO

Bio: He was raised by his father, Typhlosion and his mother, Quilava. His brother, Quils was a Shiny Cyndaquil who used to teased Cynder because he wasn't shiny. Quils made Cynder become shy. But one day Quils took it too far. Quils pushed Cynder into a volcano. Cynder was trapped in the volcano for several days. Surviving the harsh conditions inside the volcano, Cynder learned how to fight. Once he came out of the volcano he beat up his brother 'till he cried and ran to his mother. Quils never teased him again.

Personality: A shy yet strong Cyndaquil. He loves a good fight.

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: The Defending Team.

Pokemon or Digimon: Cyndaquil






Please listen that "The Defending Team" is the team that works Pokemon and Digimon together! Please no Scripted speech!


~ The Omega

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Name: N/A

Age: 11

Appearance: He's a Veemon with a strawhat and a red vest.

Bio: Veemon, or his title "The Pirate Mimic", loves to act like a pirate, and is quite jolly about boring things. He joins up with Dorumon on The Defending Team to find adventure and treasure.

Personality: Jolly and optimistic.

Digimon/Pokemon/The Defending team: The Defending Team

Pokemon or Digimon: Veemon


Guess who I got the appearance from? ^_^

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Alex woke up from the sotf, green, grass. Ever since, the gate was opened, everything wasn't as normal as before. He lived with the other Defending Team, of course, he wasn't the creator. He looked at his partner Veemon, still sleeping beside him on the ground, then besides him was Zeke, a Riolu. He got up, "Wake up guys!!" he shouted.

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