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Jinpachi cheats. >=O


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I was playing Tekken 5, going through and destroying Story Mode to get moar characters. So I was Jack-5, who just happens to be a total beast, but when I fight Jinpachi, I lose. He does that fire blast thing on me, which takes away more than half my health. He then proceeds to teleport back and fire the thing again while I'm getting up, so I die within ten seconds of starting the match. Second round, he does the same thing. It took me awhile to beat him with Jack-5. Jinpachi CHEATZ!


Anyways, discuss Tekken in general and how Jinpachi should be illegal.

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me too exept i have dark reserection wit is like t5. i completed it with jack5 the ending was him in the lab getting his memory back. when he gets "turned on" he attacks his creator then he remembers her and they hug and have a good time.

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Guest JoshIcy

Just take a hit, roll and do a wake-up combo.

For characters like Raven/Kazuya etc, use the starting aerial combos > Wait and move around, grab and repeat...


He isnt' hard.

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Guest JoshIcy

Hwoarang pwns Jinpachi..

Jinpachi has aerial grabs. I fail to see how that works out on anything above EASY.


He is for the more seasoned Tekken players.


His combo's and counter require alot of practice.



Yoshimitsu has moves that deal a ridiculous amount of damage (like his 2-hit kill move) and are fast, but the timing has to be so perfect that even a bit off and it turns into a suicide move. (If both hits of the double hara-kiri hit completely, the second one does no damage to you).

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