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Quarantine... But On Ones Left[PG-16] [Started! Still Accepting Via PM!]

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((*Rushing Diamond* stop posting if your going to use Scriped Speach... Read Rule 2))


Daemon put the Vodka away as he, Alex, Zeke, Brandon and the rest of the Crew boarded the Ship "it'll take a while to get to the Job Location... so lets got to know each other..." Daemon closed the Hatch and got the ship ready for launch

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Christian finally came to his senses, after drinking some Alcohol(It cures him, his old remedy was Coke, & before that Milk), "God, I was drunk again, wasn't I?" He said, with a headache. He goes to the Cabinet, grabs some Aqua-Seltzer, drops it in a cup of water, and drinks it. "I get headaches while Drinking Alcohol, which is the only one that works. So I get Aqua-Seltzer, because it clears Alcohol headaches." He said.

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