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●◊●World of Conflict●◊● Part § I: [King of the Mountain]


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I cast Hastega on the party' date=' and Slowga on the enemies. I then equip 2 Onion Swords.



Your spell hastens the charging attacks, but suddenly a mysterious shield materialized in the Goblin Wolf Rider's hand, and the Slowga reflects off of it, making it land harmlessly in the ground.


I charge towards the Goblin wolf rider' date=' and stand up, bringing my paw down upon his head.



The wolf rider turns it's head suddenly, spinning out of the way so as the paw slashes at the goblin's torso. The goblin roars and lifts his tomahawk and slashes back at the party.


Mineku regains posture after the back shock. His calculating mind reads the party's situation' date=' and he yells to the party,

"Urge great force on the giant! His next shockwave could bring the whole mountainside to avalanche!"

And with those words, his fully focused and energized mind brings forth the inner chimera, at this point which has collected energy over some turns, storing little by little, for a better attack. He points both palms towards the giant and charges energy, the black maelstrom swirls in front of him, as he prepares to release his next attack, the Eye of the Chimera - DeathWish #1...


And to this, his focus must remain, he yells to his party members, "Keep me protected! I need to focus for this next one!" Informing them of his attack, if pulled off right, he could attack the giant one round before his shockwave, and not only do damage, but interrupt his attack...



Your shouting attracts the attention of the goblins, who turn toward you and bearing their weapons. The mountain giant roars out as well, as it tense itself for the final Shockwave.


I focus and cast Spirit Star' date=' a powerful healing and stat-boosting spell, which floats up into the sky and hovers there for a turn to charge.

I then hope my fellow party will protect me until it is finished.

Next turn, it will bring great offensive and defensive changes to the party.



Your Spirit Star begins floating in the air, charging.


I raise an eyebrow at Minkeu as he calls for protection - 'well' date=' I suppose it [i']could[/i] help...bit I totally need protection too...ah well, maybe I can rely on the Protect and Shell spells.' I think to myself as my Bullet charges.


With the aid of the Haste magic cast upon me, I am able to claim an additional charging turn, leavcing me with only 1/2 of a turn's worth of charging left before I can unleash my own Shockwave...and with the shaky condition of the ground, it's liable to be the end of the Giant (and maybe a couple Goblins, too).


I smirk. "Yeah, help out Mineku, but don't forget about me. This bullet can pretty much end this if I'm able to fire it. And when I do," I say, looking at the Archer. "Don't let him interrupt me this time."


Turns left till Shockwave - 1/2


Your charging is nearing completion.


I Charge an Impending Ruin(A Powerful Combo special from Final Fantasy 12' date=' All the enemies Descend into a massive Fiery Vortex, it actually doesn't do as much damage as it sounds, but it is still far too powerful to be reflected)



The Goblin Wolf Rider raises his shield aggresively, and the Impending Ruin shatters it, sending some splinters into the wolf rider.


Party HP= 1050 [-100]

Mountain Giant HP#= 950 [+50 from Regeneration] [Turns until Shockwave=2]

Goblin Wolf Rider HP*= 600 [-250] [Turns until attack=2]

Goblin Mage HP= 400 [Turns until attack=2]

Goblin Archer HP= 200 [Turns until attack=1]



#= Protected



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My gun begins to glow with pent-up energy, ready to explode. I leap backwards behind my teammates, an effort to keep my hated Archer nemesis from interrupting my bullet this time.


"Everyone hold onto something!" I call as I pull the trigger. "Shockwave!" The bullet flies into the ground.


And I happily await the imminant destruction.

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The energy is blowing sparks of darkness off his hands, and his head feels that much heavier. Mineku sees the goblin archer and the Giant ready for attack. He charges much more energy, which makes him go on one knee. His gravity has become much greater, his density strong. He charges it in, and then out quickly, forming two great maelstroms now. Those maelstroms act wildly and shake the air around his hands. His eyes are heavy from exhaustion and tries to stay up with energy. Mineku discharges some of the Chimera's base external energy to keep himself steady and alive. The last moments before his attack, he yelled his query to his party; "May a guy please have some energy heals around here?" He discharges the two maelstroms which spiral in great speed in efficiency into the Giant's waist and below area, while the other, oversizing the goblin look to engulf the archer...

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My gun begins to glow with pent-up energy' date=' ready to explode. I leap backwards behind my teammates, an effort to keep my hated Archer nemesis from interrupting my bullet this time.


"Everyone hold onto something!" I call as I pull the trigger. "Shockwave!" The bullet flies into the ground.


And I happily await the imminant destruction.



The goblins never saw it coming. Your Shockwave rips through the wolf rider and barrels across the fissure, and not even the mage had the power to halt it as it ripped right through the mountain giant's stomach, creating an enormous hole. The Mountain Giant is still alive, though, and roars out in rage and pain as it raises it's mace. That is, until the Shockwave hit the ledge. Goblins and Giant are smothered by the landslide, and the three tumble into the abyss of the fissure. Suddenly, the ground beneath you collapses and you find yourself fallen into a dank, damp cavern. Suddenly, out of the cavern screeches a reptilian noise, and a Basilisk slivers out of a crevasse, angry at you for filling it's dungeon with sunlight.


Party HP= 2200 [Level Up!]

Basilisk HP= 4000

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OOC: My post... Uh' date=' since that happened seconds before mine, let me redirect that at the Basilisk...



OoC: Yes, because the ground collapsing from under you and hitting a hard dungeon floor, while being confronted by a poisonous dragon will definitely not somewhat ruin your focus. xD

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I find it odd that I feel so refreshed after that battle. It's also disturbing how me and my associates all glowed for a second there while the words "LEVEL UP!" appeared overhead.




But now there's a Basilisk. I check on my Bullet Pouch to see how many Shells I have left - and am then dissatisfied to find only 5 magic shells.


Sighing, I ready a normal Shell, firing upon the Basilisk with a simple bullet.

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Mineku jumps at the sign overhead and him glowing. His energy however feels unused... He looks to his teammates to see assure their well-being. He sees that one of the main offensive powerhouses, Zexy himself is down on bullets. He casts some energy with the power of wisdom hands to compact mass dark energy into 12 bullets made of taboo noise energy...

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I pull extra shells that I always keep with me for my guns out of my pocket and give them to Zexaeon. I then, considering that Hastega is still active, WHICH IT SHOULD BE!!! Run up to the Basilisk, and use Jump after equipping my 2 Magic Lances. The Jump is aimed at the Basilisk.


Somebody be a White Mage for god sake! Aeroja is win!

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I focus and cast Spirit Star' date=' a powerful healing and stat-boosting spell, which floats up into the sky and hovers there for a turn to charge.

I then hope my fellow party will protect me until it is finished.

Next turn, it will bring great offensive and defensive changes to the party.





"Ah, my Star!" I finally said. I move the star over the party and throw a dagger at it, breaking it open.

Instantly, white light pours over us, restoring HP and upping our attack, defence, speed and evade statistics.

(White mage to the rescue!)

Sadly, with all the energy that poured out of the star, I must spend another turn resting to regain my strength.

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I find it odd that I feel so refreshed after that battle. It's also disturbing how me and my associates all glowed for a second there while the words "LEVEL UP!" appeared overhead.




But now there's a Basilisk. I check on my Bullet Pouch to see how many Shells I have left - and am then dissatisfied to find only 5 magic shells.


Sighing' date=' I ready a normal Shell, firing upon the Basilisk with a simple bullet.



The shell bounces off the Basilisk's hide, and it snaps it's head back to lunge at Zexion, just scratching his arm with a tooth, which releases toxins and diseases into his bloodstream...

Mineku jumps at the sign overhead and him glowing. His energy however feels unused... He looks to his teammates to see assure their well-being. He sees that one of the main offensive powerhouses' date=' Zexy himself is down on bullets. He casts some energy with the power of wisdom hands to compact mass dark energy into 12 bullets made of taboo noise energy...


Bullets formed in front of Zexion, he is attacked before he can take the bullets to defend himself...

I pull extra shells that I always keep with me for my guns out of my pocket and give them to Zexaeon. I then' date=' considering that Hastega is still active, WHICH IT SHOULD BE!!! Run up to the Basilisk, and use Jump after equipping my 2 Magic Lances. The Jump is aimed at the Basilisk.


Somebody be a White Mage for god sake! Aeroja is win!



I paw at the odd sign above me and then turned to the Basilisk. He shape back into my original form and realize I've learned a new skill.


*Learned: Transfiguration - Goblin

*Learned: Transfiguration - Mountain Giant


I focus and cast Spirit Star' date=' a powerful healing and stat-boosting spell, which floats up into the sky and hovers there for a turn to charge.

I then hope my fellow party will protect me until it is finished.

Next turn, it will bring great offensive and defensive changes to the party.


Party is healed and riled up with energy! Zexion is recovered from poison, left only with a pink mark where the fang entered his arm.


Party HP: 2400

Basilisk HP: 14000

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You never even counted my last attack... I'll repost it.



I pull extra shells that I always keep with me for my guns out of my pocket and give them to Zexaeon. I then, considering that Hastega is still active, WHICH IT SHOULD BE!!! Run up to the Basilisk, and use Jump after equipping my 2 Magic Lances. The Jump is aimed at the Basilisk.


Somebody be a White Mage for god sake! Aeroja is win!

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You never even counted my last attack... I'll repost it.



I pull extra shells that I always keep with me for my guns out of my pocket and give them to Zexaeon. I then' date=' considering that Hastega is still active, WHICH IT SHOULD BE!!! Run up to the Basilisk, and use Jump after equipping my 2 Magic Lances. The Jump is aimed at the Basilisk.


Somebody be a White Mage for god sake! Aeroja is win!



Basilisk rears it's head in time for your attack, and breathes acid, but the magic of your blades cuts through, only putting slight damage to freeshooter. The blades are now wore down. Basilisk is struck in the teeath and is shocked...


I' date=' The Crimson Sage, Cast Vampiric Aura all over my allies, causing their next 3 attacks to recover the same amount of damage they Deal



Red energy soars around the party, allowing them this ability...


Party HP: 2300

Bailisk: 13750*


*-shocked, cannot use attacks involving mental damage or any breath attacks-3 turns

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I cast Salsa Scatterer' date=' which blows a wind of red-hot dust towards the basilisk to blind it and cause damage.



The dust hurls itself into the shocked Basilisk's eyelids, letting it let out a roar of pain as the red hot dust is blown into it's eyes. The Basilisk flicks out it's lip in bloodlust, and suddenly green particles begin forming around it's mouth...




Party HP&= 2300

Basilisk HP*= 3650 [-100] [Turns until Attack=1]



&= Hastega, magic and weapon charges moved up one turn. In effect for 2 more turns.


OoC: Now that I have something to go on, IIIIII'M BACK.

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I throw away my Magic Lances, and equip 2 Onion Swords. I then cast Slowga on the Basilisk, so that I can move too quickly for the Basilisk to react my attack. I run up to, jump at, and slice the Basilisks mouth, cutting off it's lips. I then quickly land and run away, being careful not to be touched by the venom.

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"Thanks," I mumble out as I am handed the extra shells from my comrades. The whole togetherness thing is still new to me, even though it's proved convinient.


I then decide to break the 4th wall and look through my menu of skills "Hmm, let's see...Attack, Blue Bullet, Fiend Hunter, Item...hmm, none of my Fiend Hunter bullets are effective against this type of enemy....and I don't feel like using any Blue Magic....guess I'll switch classes!" I declare, tugging out a Garment Grid.


I then get strange looks from my comrades. ">_> What? A Garment Grid is a very useful item! There's nothing girly about it!" I shout as I select one of the three Dresspheres on the Grid. A VERY GIRLY transformation sequence then takes place as my Job switches.


"Ha! Now I'm an Alchemist!" I exclaim with glee, toting my new Buster Gun/ "And that so wasn't girly!" I then reach into my bag of special items (the kind Chemists and Alchemists use) and toss a Fire Gem at my foe, hoping to damage it with the chain of fiery blasts it causes.

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Mineku looks on his odd cross dressing friend. In terms, he can't disagre with the ability to switch classes or even having abilities readily available for you. He breaks his attention back towards the basilisk and blasts out dark steam from underneath his fingernails. He then closes his fists, to allow the dark energy to marinate and grow. The darkness releases an aura around his fist, and then he allows both twin balls to charge for the next turn...

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