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Lock(Going to part 2)


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Faith then shook his hand, but then Michael felt a strange tingling at which Faith said "I nearly forgot to mention, the deal you would have took was a certain kind of contract that keeps me from doing what i want to you after winning a duel, called a Shadow Contract, if you would have took the Wager, and you lost, I can only do what is written on the Contract, but if a victim loses and they did not have a shadow Contract Deal, I can do anything i want to them, but i'll go easy on you, since this is your first time with a Shadow Contract Lesson" She then raised her other hand and said "Until 12:00 midnight Tonight you will become a Female with a snap of my finger" at which she simply let go of Michael

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Michelle: "That's the thing about having an infinite powered duel spirit, I can do the same things 'with a snap of a finger.'

Exodia: With the help of Exodia, and a snap of a finger, Michelle became Michael again.

Michael: "Thanks for the duel. That's why I DON'T lose, because I always have a SURPRISE in the end." He went to his dorm in pride.

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Faith then laughed and said "Too bad that the rest of my family happens to be of the same power, just by themselves, oh, and i didn't even snap my fingers yet, it is simply of the course of when......" Then all of a Sudden, A 5 Dragon Like Creatures appeared behind Faith, The acted as Faith's Duel Spirits, although she is one

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Michael: "Hmmmm, I don't see what the problem is here. Mind explaining?" He put down his monsters "There's no need for battle other than with a duel disk. In which case you beat me... of course I cheated your contract but other than that is there really a problem here? Exodia is the ULTIMATE mosnter. With so much concentrated power between the two of us we will BOTH be destroyed. Put down your monsters."

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Faith Grabs her Extra Deck and sets out just 1 Transcended whispering Beast, and said "Just this card is all i need to Shut down most Exodia Decks


Transcended Whispering Beast - Kialdrun-Vialdos


2 'Death Whisper - Transcendance' + 1 'Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria' + 1 'Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu' + 1 'Death Whisper - Ryko' + 1 'Kyko - Centaur Hunter of the Yata'

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing the Fusion Materials on the field or Graveyard from play (You do not use Polymerization), You cannot Attack during the turn you Special summon this card, You can only control 1 "Transcended Whispering Beast" Monster, When this card would be Removed from the field, This card is Removed from Play, When it is Removed from play using this effect, This card is Special Summoned During your Opponent's next Standby Phase in Defense Position, This card cannot switch Battle Positions during your next turn if this card is special summoned this way, Control of this card cannot switch, While This card is Face-up on the Field, or Removed from Play, Neither Player can lose the Duel unless their Life points are 0, During Each Player's End Phase, Inflict 1000 Damage to Both Players, Each player can discard 1 card to lower the damage they take by this effect by 500, This card cannot attack.

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as Michael Left, Faithtalked to one of her Dragon Spirits, Hakiri-Ryko and told him to be the Curse Vessel, after which she Snapped her Fingers, Hakiri-Ryko Zoomed into Michael in such a speed that even Light couldn't keep up with him, when Hakiri-Ryko entered Michael's Body, A black Symbol appeared on his Back, and Michael turned into a girl, but not only that, she had a timer on her arm, Counting down how much time is left until midnight


(> This is actually not possession, but rather Cohabitation, which means simply the Spirit is in Michael, but not controlling him, nor he is controlling it, This is actually how Faith puts some of her Curses in others <)

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Michelle: "Crap, Exodia, a little help?"

Exodia: A snap of his fingers expells her curse

Michael: "Much better, I'd rather have something between my legs anyday."


OOC: But like I said, when you have infinite powered duel spirits, anything is possible. Plus, I'm at my dorm doing this, so you have no clue.

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