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Lock(Going to part 2)


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"I'm in. I don't know where." She glanced at the clock. "I better make my way to the duel arena." (OoC: I'll make this as quick as possible) She arrived and saw Crowler waiting. She got onto the stage and loaded her duel disk.


"You're early," he said. "All the better. Let's duel." They each drew five and the duel began...

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"I'll go first," said Crowler. He drew. "I play Ancient Gear Castle. Now I play my Ancient Gear Soldier. I'll put a card face down and end." Jade drew.


"I play my Spell card Ancient Rules to bring to the field my black Dark Magician. Next I'll use Dark Magic Attack to remove all your spell and trap cards. Now I'll play Fusion Gate, and Closed Gate to the Different Dimension."




"Now I'll use Fusion Gate to fuse Flame Manipulator and Masaki the Legendary Swordsman to make Flame Swordsman. Now Flame Swordsman, attack Ancient Gear Soldier! Dark Magic, direct attack!"


Crowler - 1200

Jade - 4000


"Now I'll use Fusion Gate to fuse my two monsters to make Dark Flare Knight. I'll end my turn." Crowler drew.


"I'll use a Magnet Circle LV2 to play an Ancient Gear, and with its effect I'll play another Ancient Gear. Now I'll tribute them both to play Ancient Gear Golem! Now attack Dark Flare Knight!"


"By doing that, you allow me to summon Mirage Knight!" yelled Jade.


"Now I'll end my turn." Jade drew.


"This duel is over Crowler, Mirage Knight attack Ancient Gear Golem! I know he has 200 ATK points less, but he has a pretty cool effect. He can now increase his ATK by the amount Ancient Gear Golem has - 3000!" The attack increased to 5800. Mirage Knight sliced through the monster, destroying it and winning the duel.


"Welcome to the Academy," said Crowler, approaching Jade. "Welcome to Obelisk Blue as well."

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Faith Draws, then She says "I Activate Transcendence Portal, at which I'll activate it's first effect, I'll remove 'Death Whisperia Dragon' to Draw 2 cards, Then I'll activate 'Dark Command of the Death Whisper King' which i'll Revive Ryzira and Yata-Ardragus



Transcendance Portal


Once per turn, Either player can activate one of these effects.

*You can remove 1 card in your extra deck from play to draw 2 cards

*You can remove 1 card in your hand from play to return all Synchro and Fusion Monsters to their owner's Extra Decks


Dark Command of the Death Whisper King


Special summon 2 "Death Whisper" monsters from your graveyard, They are destroyed at the end of your next turn, then your opponent draws cards equal to half the combined levels of the 2 monsters rounded up


Ryzira - The Succubus of the Black Whisper


When this card is targeted by a Monster card effect, You can Choose the Target instead. Once per turn, you can activate one of these effects

*You can take control of 1 of your opponent's monsters until the End Phase

*You can Tribute 1 Plague Monster to Special summon 1 Plague Monster from your Deck or Graveyard

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