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Lock(Going to part 2)


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Desperado walked down the hall of Duel Academy. "these duelists, they make me sick. They are almost as bad as bad duelists. I mean they are teenagers and they don't stop screwing around and playing mistakes. But i have to fit in for now." desperado pulled his ace card (not telling) and smiled. "master gave you to me for a reason." desperado thought

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Desperado walked down the hall of Duel Academy. "these duelists, they make me sick. They are almost as bad as bad duelists. I mean they are teenagers and they don't stop screwing around and playing mistakes. But i have to fit in for now." desperado pulled his ace card (not telling) and smiled. "master gave you to me for a reason." desperado thought

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Don:"i set 3 cards face down, and summon Archling Dark controller and end my turn."

[spoiler=Archling Dark controller]


Type: Fiend



Effect:this card can attack directly. If you do this decrease the ATK of this card by 1000, during battle damage.



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ooc: ummm ok also btw i meant to say i am using my jinzo deck before.


Desperado drawed. "i activate pot of greed. now i sacrafice my monster to summon Jinzo in attack mode. Now flip my spell card and activate the equip spell Amplifier. now jinzo attack his archling dark control. GIGA SHOCK BLAST. now i activate the trap card RE-STRIKE. now you take the same amount of damage from jinzo. turn end."


effect of amplifier: Equip only to "Jinzo". While this card is equipped, the equipped monster's effect does not negate the effects of it's controller's Trap Cards. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the equipped monster. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated.



Desperado : 8000


Don: 5100

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ooc: ummm ok also btw i meant to say i am using my jinzo deck before.


Desperado drawed. "i activate pot of greed. now i sacrafice my monster to summon Jinzo in attack mode. Now flip my spell card and activate the equip spell Amplifier. now jinzo attack his archling dark control. GIGA SHOCK BLAST. now i activate the trap card RE-STRIKE. now you take the same amount of damage from jinzo. turn end."


effect of amplifier: Equip only to "Jinzo". While this card is equipped' date=' the equipped monster's effect does not negate the effects of it's controller's Trap Cards. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the equipped monster. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated.



Desperado : 8000


Don: 5100




ooc:you couldnt actvate a facedown magic card because of Archling Howl. also you cant actvate RE-STRIKE, because jinzo would negate it and you can't flip up a face down. also i know Amplifier is a real card. just for refreance.

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Don was looking at his cards,"Hmm..i ahvent used this card in a wile. i play one card facedown then actvate Change of heart, and control your jinzo, but you wont get him back this turn because i sacrofiec this monster and summon my Archling Monster, and i can special summon my Archling Dark controller with 1000 less ATK. i actvate my facedown Archling Battle Ground Rules. Archling Monster Attack Directly and end my turn."


[spoiler= Archling Monster]


Type: Fined

Attribute: Dark

ATK/DEF: 2600/1000

Effect: when this card is summoned, special summon one level 4 or lower monster from your Graveyard, decrease the summoned monster ATK and DEF by 1000.



[spoiler= Archling Battle Ground Rules]

type: Continues Trap

Effect: When a equip card(s) is destroyed, destroy the monster(s) that the card(s) was equipped to.






ooc:gtg be back tomorrow

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ooc: oh but still that is a very unfair card lol


"My turn. DRAW. i activate my facedown soul exchange. Now i tribute your monster to summon another Jinzo and now i activate my facedown equip spell Amplifier. Now i activate my trap card double draw. now i draw 2 cards. Now i sacrafice Jinzo to summon JINZO LORD!!!! luckily he counts as a jinzo because guess what other card i drew. I activate Amplifier and equip it to Jinzo - Lord. Now jinzo lord attack him directly. Turn end"

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