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Lock(Going to part 2)


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Faith Activates her Duel Disk, and Draws 6 Cards, Faith Then Said "I Activate 'Black Whisper - Wish of Faith', at which I Tribute Ryzira in my hand to Special summon Myself, 'Faith - Angel of the End' Then I Summon 'Death Whisper - Ryko", Then I will Tune Myself with Ryko to Synchro Summon 'Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu' At which my Effect Activates, I can Special summon another Synchro Monster of the Same Level, So Come on out, 'Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus', at which i'll activate his effect, I'll mill the top 3 cards of My Deck, then you must send 3 cards from your hand to the graveyard, Then i'll activate Yata-Darsagu's Effect, I'll discard 1 card to Draw another, and i'll set 2 facedowns and it is your go....."


Monsters: Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu (ATK: 4000), Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus (DEF: 0)

S&Ts: 2 Facedowns

Hand: 0 cards




Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monsters

This card cannot destroy monsters as a result of battle or inflict battle Damage, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on 1 monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that Monster, Once per turn, By Discarding 1 card, you can Draw 1 card, This card can attack all Monsters with 2 Plague Counters on them, When it attacks using this effect, Destroy all other cards you control


Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monsters

When this card is Special Summoned other than Synchro Summon, You can send up to 3 cards from the top of your deck to the Graveyard , then your opponent sends the same number of cards from their hand to the Graveyard, Once per Turn, you can Discard 1 card to Negate the effect of 1 'Death Whisper' Monster and increase that card's ATK by 1000 until the end of this turn, This card cannot Attack Directly


(> Before you ask about Yata-Ardragus's effect, I recently Nerfed him to be a bit more Balanced <)

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Poseidon: Wow you don't waste any time do you?

He said as he placed three of his 5 cards into his Graveyard, he then drew a card.

"I play the field card 'A Legendary Ocean' and set one monster, I'll also activate 'Pot of Greed' allowing me to draw two more.

Now I'll throw down 2 face-downs and end my turn."


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Faith Draws 1 card, then Smiles and Says "I Activate 'Transcendence Portal', and i'll activate it's first effect, Removing 'Death Whisperia Dragon' from my extra deck from play to draw 2 cards, Then I'll Activate 'Dark Command of the Death Whisper King', Revivng Ryzira and Ryko, Which i tune Them to Synchro Summon 'Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria'...."


Transcendance Portal


Once per turn, Either player can activate one of these effects.

*You can remove 1 card in your extra deck from play to draw 2 cards

*You can remove 1 card in your hand from play to return all Synchro and Fusion Monsters to their owner's Extra Decks


Dark Command of the Death Whisper King


Special summon 2 "Death Whisper" monsters from your graveyard, They are destroyed at the end of your next turn, then your opponent draws cards equal to half the combined levels of the 2 monsters rounded up


Ryzira - The Succubus of the Black Whisper


When this card is targeted by a Monster card effect, You can Choose the Target instead. Once per turn, you can activate one of these effects

*You can take control of 1 of your opponent's monsters until the End Phase

*You can Tribute 1 Plague Monster to Special summon 1 Plague Monster from your Deck or Graveyard


Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monster

This card cannot destroy monsters as a result of battle, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on 1 monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that Monster, Once per turn, By Discarding 1 card, you can Destroy 1 Spell or Trap, and all monsters your opponent controls, This card can attack all Monsters with 2 Plague Counters on them, When it attacks using this effect, Destroy all other cards you control


(> Response? <)

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(> I actually said "Response?", Which means i am not ending my turn, Just Pausing so you can activate any card effects, assuming you have no Response, i'll continue Faith's Turn, also, I have many more than just Yata-Aluria <)


... I'll Summon 'Kyko - Centaur Hunter of the Yata' And i'll Activate her Effect, Adding 'Death Whisper - Yata-Raven' from my Deck to My Hand, Then I Flip my 2 Face-down 'Death Whisper - Transcendences' at which I remove From Both the Field and The Graveyard, Ryko, Kyko, Yata-Darsagu, Yata-Aluria, and the 2 Transcendances...." at which a Massive Seal Envelops Faith's Field and Graveyard, 3 Of the Monsters on Faith's side of the Field and one card in the Graveyard were Sucked into a Vortex, then a Beam of Light Crossed the 2 Transcendance cards at which Faith Chants "The Black End has come... Shield me from the Armageddon and Eliminate all Who oppose me! Transcendance Summon! Kialdrun-Vialdos!" At which a massive portal appears in front of Faith and a Massive Guardian Statue Comes out, I then Switch Yata-Ardragus into attack Position and End My Turn


Monsters: TWB - Kialdrun-Vialdos (DEF: 9000), Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus (ATK: 3500)

S&Ts: none

Hand: 1 card


Kyko - Centaur Hunter of the Yata


Once per turn, you can add 1 Level 4 Monster from your deck to your hand, if you activate this effect, you cannot attack this turn


Transcended Whispering Beast - Kialdrun-Vialdos


2 'Death Whisper - Transcendance' + 1 'Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria' + 1 'Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu' + 1 'Death Whisper - Ryko' + 1 'Kyko - Centaur Hunter of the Yata'

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Removing the Fusion Materials on the field or Graveyard from play (You do not use Polymerization) or by it's own effect, You cannot Attack during the turn you Special summon this card, You can only control 1 "Transcended Whispering Beast" Monster, When this card would be Removed from the field, This card is Removed from Play, When it is Removed from play using this effect, This card is Special Summoned During your Opponent's next Standby Phase in Defense Position, This card cannot switch Battle Positions during your next turn if this card is special summoned this way, Control of this card cannot switch, While This card is Face-up on the Field, or Removed from Play, Neither Player can lose the Duel unless their Life points are 0, During Each Player's End Phase, Inflict 1000 Damage to Both Players, Each player can discard 1 card to lower the damage they take by this effect by 500, This card cannot attack.

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Faith telepathically said to Michael "I had decided to watch you today, How i actually do that is that i meld with your Shadow, if fact, i can do it so seemlessly that even your Spirits cannot Detect me, but if i pop any body part of mine out of place, You WILL feel it, I got bored with you and Jumped to another.... Which is the feeling you probably have now......."

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(> Oh gee, i didn't know special summons are treated as Normal summons, Here are my summons so far this turn....


2 Special summons via Dark Command Of The Death Whisper King (Ryzira and Ryko)

1 Synchro Summon (Yata-Aluria, Tuning Ryzira and Ryko)

1 Normal Summon (Kyko, at which i used her effect to add Raven)

1 Transcendance Summon (Kialdrun-Vialdos, Fusing my 2 Facedowns, Yata-Aluria, Yata-Darsagu, Kyko, and Ryko, Removing them from the game)


I can only Normal Summon once per turn, all the Above, Minus Kyko are Special Summons <)

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(> Oh gee' date=' i didn't know special summons are treated as Normal summons, Here are my summons so far this turn....


2 Special summons via Dark Command Of The Death Whisper King (Ryzira and Ryko)

1 Synchro Summon (Yata-Aluria, Tuning Ryzira and Ryko)

1 Normal Summon (Kyko, at which i used her effect to add Raven)

1 Transcendance Summon (Kialdrun-Vialdos, Fusing my 2 Facedowns, Yata-Aluria, Yata-Darsagu, Kyko, and Ryko, Removing them from the game)


I can only Normal Summon once per turn, all the Above, Minus Kyko are Special Summons <)



OOC: No they're not, they never are. Who told you that?


IC: He walked to the cafeteria for a snack.

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