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Lock(Going to part 2)


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Faith turned to Jadin and said "My name is Faith, and many people call me Darkmage" then he Turned to Michael and said "This very card i have in my hand, if activated, prevents any cards from being removed from the game whatsoever, and i'll tell you what, I'll Duel you for it, If you Win, You get three of this card, but if you lose......."

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Michael: He slowly scooted farther down the dock, getting away from what appeared to be a psychotic girl "No offense, but I think you have some problems, I think I'd rather be possessed, but then again, I can't be engulfed in darkness...........like you have. Good day." He got up and left.

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Michael: "Look, I'm saying if your talking about torturing people, then that's CREEPY with a capital everything. If your talking about mind games, then it depends what kind of mind games. Relax, have a seat, enjoy the waves. I had no intention of offending you. I apoligize, now relax, the waves are perfect for watching." He sat and smiled, watching the waves

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Faith Drew her 6 Cards and Said "I Summon 'Death Whisper - Ryko' in Attack Position, and I'll set 2 Facedowns and i'll end"


Monsters: Death Whisper - Ryko (ATK: 2400)

S&Ts: 2 Facedowns

Hand: 3 cards


(> I have JadenGT's permission to use Custom cards as long as i have the lore for them, oh and here's the Stats for Ryko <)


Death Whisper - Ryko


This card cannot inflict Battle damage or destroy monsters as a result of battle, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on that monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that card, Once per turn, you can discard 1 Card to Destroy the Spell or trap behind 1 Monster your opponent controls

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Michael: "My go, I sacrifice my monsters to summon Sphinx Telia, and by sacrificing a monster with sphinx in it's name, I summon Exxod, Master of the Guard in defense mode! Now since my monsters were Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest, Which means I get 2 Exodia Pieces, I end.

Monsters: 1 (Exxod: 0ATK 4000DEF)

S&T: 2

Hand: 3

LP: 8000

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Faith Draws, then Holds out a Ritual Spell Card and Says "I Play the Ritual Spell 'Black Whisper - The Wish of Faith, Which I tribute The 'Ryzira - Succubus of Black Whisper' in My Hand to Ritual Summon Myself... Faith - The Angel of the End!, at which I will Tune Myself with Ryko... To Synchro Summon 'Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu' and Using My Ability, I can Special Summon another monster from my Extra Deck of the same Level, at which I'll Special Summon 'Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus' at which His Special Ability Activates, I send the top 3 Cards to Send your whole hand to the Graveyard, then I'll Discard 1 card to Negate Yata-Darsagu's Effect and Increase her ATK By 1000, Which i'll have her attack Exxod


Monsters: Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu (ATK: 5000), Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus (DEF 0)

S&Ts: 2 Facedowns

Hand: 1 cards





Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monsters

This card cannot destroy monsters as a result of battle or inflict battle Damage, When this card attacks, Place 1 Plague Counter on 1 monster, When a Monster has 3 Plague Counters, Destroy that Monster, Once per turn, By Discarding 1 card, you can Draw 1 card, This card can attack all Monsters with 2 Plague Counters on them, When it attacks using this effect, Destroy all other cards you control


Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus


1 Tuner + 1 or more Death Whisper Non-tuner Monsters

When this card is Special Summoned other than Synchro Summon, You can send any number of cards from the top of your deck to the Graveyard, then your opponent sends the same number of cards from their hand to the Graveyard, Once per Turn, you can Discard 1 card to Negate the effect of 1 'Death Whisper' Monster and increase that card's ATK by 1000 until the end of this turn, This card cannot Attack Directly


(> Before you ask again, Synchros are allowed <)

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(> Actually, it is still Faith's Turn, I was waiting for a response <)


Faith then Says "I respond to your Divine Wrath with 'Grand Counterblaze', Which Negates Divine Wrath, and i continue on with the Effects and with the attack


Monsters: Death Whisper Queen - Yata-Darsagu (ATK: 5000), Death Whisper Commander - Yata-Ardragus (DEF 0)

S&Ts: 1 Facedown

Hand: 1 card

LP: 7000


Grand Counterblaze


Activate only to a Spell or Trap Card, Negate the Activation and effect of the Spell or Trap card and Destroy it, then you Take 1000 Damage

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