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plant synchro deck


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Main deck


3x botanical lion

3x nettles

3x gigaplant

3x lonefire blossom

3x tytannial princess of camellias

2x blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

2x lord poison

1x dandelion

1x plaguespreader zombie

Total - 21




3x miracle fertiliser

2x the world tree

2x mark of the rose

1x monster reborn

1x reasoning

Total - 9




3x dark bribe

3x phoenix wing wind blast

3x wall of thorns

3x pollinosis

2x ultimate offering

Total - 14


Complete Total - 44



Extra deck

3x black rose dragon

3x queen of thorns

1x stardust dragon

1x blackwing armor master

1x colossal fighter

1x thought ruler archfiend

1x iron chain dragon

1x goyo guardian

1x red dragon archfiend

1x psychic lifetrancer

1x magical android

Total - 15



can anyone help me improve this deck

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