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The Legendary Booster Shop!!! LOCK!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!one


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I don't know if ~ Chidori is finished with the presentation, he said Thursday it would be done.

mightydes here is your order.





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Requested booster maker:

Booster Name: Wisdom, Courage, Power

Render: http://fc32.deviantart.com/fs24/i/2007/342/b/a/The_Triforce_by_AceRacer.png

Background Color: I didn't use a Render

Other: none

Text Color: I would like Wisdom in blue. Power in Red. Courage in Green if possible. If possible Gold/Yellow

With Beveled Effect: Yes

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English Booster Plz, Then i Want Cload Strife to make a Jap version

Requested booster maker: Jovi / Cload Strife

Booster Name: Stardust Overdrive

Render: It Isnt a Render, But i shall pay triple If You Render it, I Shall Give it to you if you Reply

Background Color: White

Other: 5Ds

Text Color: Blue

With Beveled Effect: Y

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English Booster Plz' date=' Then i Want Cload Strife to make a Jap version

Requested booster maker: Jovi / Cload Strife

Booster Name: Stardust Overdrive

Render: It Isnt a Render, But i shall pay triple If You Render it, I Shall Give it to you if you Reply

Background Color: White

Other: 5Ds

Text Color: Blue

With Beveled Effect: Y



I shall do that, but lemme guess. The render is....Savior Star Dragon, no? Give me the image please, I'll try to render it. And may I choose the color myself?

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