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The World Is Tuned To You [TWEWY]


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Well, it shouldn't be that confusing if you think about who got there first. I can add a few sentences there to separate Kaito (srsly, you thought Kaito was Takashi?) from the other Reapers. Both of the accepted characters were in this part.

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There's a reason I mod this place, y'know.


Added a method of measuring a Player's strength and the values for each person in the fanfic so far.


Next chapter will be an in-between and slightly shorter one: The first Night, in which I've decided to give Yashiro and Kariya some screentime.

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Nights, eh? Since we don't see many of those in the game, that should be fun...


@Fenrir: Nyeh. <:p>


@Nitty: Is Shinrouyumi supposed to be translated as "divine wolf bow"? In any case, it should by "Shinroukyuu". (The character for bow, 弓, would be read as "yumi" alone, but when in a word with another character, it's read as "kyuu".)

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