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Diedra's custom image gallery (Please lock. Has moved in with Haseo and El_Kpo)

Lord Ursus

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[align=center]This gallery will be updated as frequently as possible, but please don't rush me.


I want ratings from my own scala, if you'd please. If you don't want to rate them, then at least tell me whether they're good.


You may use all these images as you see fit, but you may not claim them as your own and credit must always be given.


For challenging myself further, I am now open for requests.


The renders are all from photobucket.


[spoiler=Image number 1]b8sm5f.jpg


[spoiler=Image number 2]svt2rq.jpg


[spoiler=Image number 3]2nrerd2.jpg


[spoiler=Image number 4]27y0tfp.png


[spoiler=Image number 5]zmzbeh.jpg


[spoiler=Image number 6]140b6lk.png


[spoiler=Image number 7]2ljglt4.png


[spoiler=Image number 8]2km2yc.png







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