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Contest, Plant/Spellcaster/ Dragon Deck

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  • Spam/Flaming = -2 reps.
  • No swearing. No OMFG, OMG, all that stuff.
  • There is only ONE prize.
  • NAME your decks.
  • It should have Plants, Spellcasters AND Dragons. It should be a logical one, not like this: Griggle, Spellbinding Circle, Master of Dragon Knight, etc., etc..
  • Have fun!



3 reps, 30 points.



  • Tronta - reserved.



May the 1st. {That's 1/5/09 by India and 5/1/09 by USA.}



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Okey dokey! Hehe, those are the only types of card I've got. Traded any othe types to my friends, except for 2x Marading Captain. Suggestion: The deck can have other card archetypes also, and high DEF + Raregold Armour = PWN DEF Barrier. RG is not on the Atem Banlist. BTW Support doesn't matter.

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baah, I'll finish last place i think



Violet Witch x2

mystic tomato x2


Magna Drago x2

Blazewing Butterfly x2

Gigaplant x3

Chthonian Emperor Dragon

Gemini Summoner x3

Chaos Sorcerer

LS Lyla x2

Cyber Dragon

Defender, the Magical Knight



monster reborn


havy storm

Lightwave Tuning x2

Dragons Mirror x3

future fusion



Magicians circle x3





stardust x3

red dragon archfiend

black rose dragon x2

Superalloy Beast Raptinus x3

tempest magician x2

arcenite magician x2

five headed dragon x2

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Ok, let's try something fun. Hopeless Photosynthesis.


Monsters: 24

2x Lyla, Lightsworn Something

3x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2x Jain, LIghtsworn Paladin

2x Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon (hell yeah)

2x Judgment Dragon

3x Gigaplant

3x Lonefire Blossom

2x Red-Eyes Wyvern

2x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

2x Dark Horus

1x Chaos Sorcerer


Spells: 13

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Reborn

1x Giant Trunade

2x Solar Recharge

3x Charge of the Light Brigade

1x Brain Control

2x Book of Moon

1x Foolish Burial


Traps: 5

3x Threatening Roar

2x Limit Reverse


Total: 42

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