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First Booster.

Dark Archon

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Yea >_> that is why a tittle in the showcase says "lol copy and paste >_>"


Hey' date=' all great graphic artist start small. Even though Im just 13 and I can already do PS stuff is because my father does that for a living and he taught me a bunch of stuff. But con., DG, Kale, and I (my username doesnt fit in with the three. im just saing the people with tech circles) all started small. When i first can to this site, i only made Cards without holoes. So if your not gonna post constructive criticism or motivation, dont just say lol... [thats so easy to do'].


Now to follow my own advice: The tech circle is indeed large, try adding an outer glow to the render, and something that i read recently, make your booster pack smaller so that you dont have to resize the render (con. does that and im starting to).


BTW, im flattered that u compared me to those other guys

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