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Custom Japanese Booster, by me. ;)


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[align=center]alrighty! i have finally found a working Japanese text, and i have figured out how to use it. :D here is my custom pack, with a little help from a template Dark Galaxy -DR- gave me. but that help was just with part of my background. everything else is custom, such as the render, text, tech circle, and the sparkles behind the render. ;) this is what i created:




i believe this is much better than the last pack i made, the english version of this pack. ;)


what do ya think? :D[/align]

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Oooh' date=' fantastic! Are the logos up top supposed to be part transparent?



they arent transparent, the top thing got in the way and sort of discoloured it. ;)


Okay. This is cool.

I'm not critizing you or anything' date=' it just looks to me as if you stole con.'s tech circle because it is recolored exactly the same colour as con.'s tech circle is on one of his boosters.

Other than that, pretty damn cool. Keep it up.



just because i pay attention to detail and i recolured the back doesnt mean i stole anything. i made that entirely myself.. i didnt even get a tech circle from con. -.- please dont accuse me a stealing anything again. i made that tech circle custom. it took forever too..


thanks for thinking it looks cool. ;)

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[align=justify]"Actually none of you guys are doing it right -.- . I have a japanese booster. I bought one & it looked nothing like this. Well a bit but still far away.


"Work on the hole above. Rather than adding a gradient. The Pen Tooling it just disturbing. Rest is meh not bad. Still not Custom. You didn't start from scratch. Rendering is not something that's called 'Custom' . Well Hope I Helped.[/align]

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I lik this booster. Yes' date=' I agree this is better then the english version.



thank you!


[align=justify]"Actually none of you guys are doing it right -.- . I have a japanese booster. I bought one & it looked nothing like this. Well a bit but still far away.


"Work on the hole above. Rather than adding a gradient. The Pen Tooling it just disturbing. Rest is meh not bad. Still not Custom. You didn't start from scratch. Rendering is not something that's called 'Custom' . Well Hope I Helped.[/align]


duh no japanese pack looks like this' date=' this image was never on a japanese pack. :P

i didnt use a gradient or pen tooling on the hole on the top, so i dont have the faintest clue what you are talking about. in fact, i didnt use pen tooling or gradients at all.. and by custom, i made this entirely on my own accord: i didnt take a template.


are you finished with your rant?


Could You Post A Link To The Text Either On Tuts Or Here?


perhaps.. but that takes the fun out of the 3 hour long search, now doesnt it? :D


The card' date=' then this!

You really gotten into Japanese, huh?



yep.. i wanted to catch up the slack where i left off. :D


darn it' date=' everyone but me has a realistic Tech Circle. lol



well, that is what 2 hours in Photoshop gets ya. ;)


dude your tech circles pretty good to ^ this booster is full of win. i will pay money points for your tech circle


well' date=' sorry to disappoint, but i am not giving it out. ;)



It looks pretty solid but then I noticed the whole was all wrong :?



the hole? alrighty, i will prove to you how the statement is false.


real pack vs my pack:




how is the hole wrong? so what, i added a bit of outer glow on the inside. Konami does it too on their advertising posters.


[spoiler=example of poster]





now will you all get off my back about doing it wrong, when i have in fact done it correctly?

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"You didn't make the focal. Therefor it's not custom. When I said gradient I was referring to the yellow thing inside the whole. & by pen tooling I meant the weird shapes & oversharpened shapes. I am actually trying to help you. I'm not against you. When people CnC they want to make you improve. Not feel bad. Just remember that.

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Naw' date=' just kiddin. Really awesome, Kale. Really.. awesome.



thanks! but, i owe you credit. i got a very big headstart from the secret template you gave me. ;) i could have started from scratch, but i didnt have the time. :D thanks eternally man. ;)


"You didn't make the focal. Therefor it's not custom. When I said gradient I was referring to the yellow thing inside the whole. & by pen tooling I meant the weird shapes & oversharpened shapes. I am actually trying to help you. I'm not against you. When people CnC they want to make you improve. Not feel bad. Just remember that.


i realized that, but it didnt seem to have a very cordial feel to your post.. ;) i suppose that is just the way you write..

well, Konami does have gradients in their presentations, as provided by me in my last post, so that is still a realistic feel. and if you have a better method than what i have provided before you for the glitter behind the render then please state one. ;)


thanks everyone. ;)

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