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GimpWonders:The Gimp Emporium|Lots of tutorials for you to learn and try!

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[align=center]Hello everyone.GimpWonders has lots of tutorials for you to try,learn and experiment with to make lots of different images.We will also be showing you how to use some tools for the guys out there,and some other tricks you can use to make your image better or different from when you last did it.So lets begin,shall we?


[spoiler=The Basic Tools:]

This tutorial will show all you guys how to use the basic tools in Gimp.


The first set of tools is the Rectangular and Elliptical tool, which is shaped in the picture in a Red Rectangle:

[spoiler=Rectangular and Elliptical tool's area:]



The Rectangular tool,the one on the left,can be used for many things.It can be used for selecting and deleting stuff,it can be used to make a specific area so your red fill tool doesn't fill the whole thing and make you delete the sides so you have to do 4 rectangle selects to delete the sides themselves and you just fill the specific area,it can be used to measure the length of something,and lots more. So,how do you use the rectangle select tool? Easy. Just follow this tutorial and you'll be using the rectangular tool like there is no tomorrow.

[spoiler=The tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy. Open GIMP.

2.Select the rectangular select tool from where I showed you it was placed.


3.Mess with the settings,like making it have rounded corners, feathered edges etc. if you want the rectangular selection to be completey different from the original select.

4.Click and drag from where you want it to start,and then let go of the mouse where you want it to end.

5.Viola! You have a perfect rectangular selection!



But that reign of terror isn't over,yet.Now,we move onto a very similar situation,the rectangular selection tool's brother. The Elliptical Tool.

The Elliptical tool is used for making circles or ovals,and again,the elliptical tool is similar because it can do exactly the same jobs as the rectangular tool can do. So,for the tutorial, keep reading.

[spoiler=The tutorial:]

Okay,there is no point in this. You just do the same stuff as you do with the rectangular tool's tutorial, only it is the elliptical tool you're meant to be using. There you go. I taught you how to use it.



Now the second set of tools is the Free Select tool and the fuzzy select tool. Which is in a red rectangle again.

[spoiler=Free Select and Fuzzy tool's Area:]



The Free Select tool, the one with a cowboy's lasso icon on it, can be used for selecting a random wonky floppy shape. So instead of a fixed shape with right angles or corners, you have right angles and corners and other stuff that is not shaped like either of them. It is a great tool for just going random and cutting out random shapes that your not bothered about what shape it makes, but if you're trying to make a random shape but not all floppy and want to have joints along the way, you'll need the Path Tool(More about that tool later).So, the tutorial? Look on...

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy.Open GIMP.

2.Select the tool that has a picture of a cowboy's lasso as the icon.


3.Open a new white document,doesn't matter how big it is.

4.With the Free Select tool,select something random.

5.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered,Edit>Clear.

6.Well done! You've made a crazy and weird picture!

7.Congratulations! You have now learnt how to use the Free Select tool and how it can make one blank picture crazy.


But that reign of terror ain't over yet.This guy is trying to fight and destroy the Free Select tool. That tool? The Fuzzy Select tool.

The Fuzzy Select tool(The tool with the magic wand as the icon)can select something and help you delete it. So if you selected the colour white with The Fuzzy Select tool on the picture, it would select that pixel you selected and all the other white parts touching it. It also works with every colour. It is a really useful tool for rendering. The only thing bad about it is that when you delete that background of the render, it leaves tiny specks of white behind on the edges of the render. But other than that, that can be fixed by erasing some of the edges, or gaussian blurring it at a low number. So here is the tutorial. Not with a render, just a blank picture.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open a new document and if you know how to, fill it with black(Fill tool explained later).

2.Select the fuzzy tool(The one with a magic wand as the icon).


3.Select anywhere in the picture.

4.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered, Edit>Clear.

5.Viola! I know its just a plain old transparent background, but you don't need to save it. It's just to get you into the habit of Fuzzy Selecting.


Okay, now we're at the 3rd set of tools. That is the Paths Tool and the Colour Picker tool.

[spoiler=Paths and Colour Picker tool's Area:]



The Paths tool is like the Free Select tool, only it has joints and you can change the way it looks. The Paths tool is great for rendering and like the Free Select tool it can make random shapes and delete them. So if you're trying to decide which one you need to make a crazy shape, I reccomend the Free Select Tool. If you're trying to look for a tool that is good for rendering, I recommend the Path Tool and DEFINITELY NOT the Free Select tool. Anyways, lets start with the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy.Open GIMP.

2.Select the Paths Tool(The one on the right).


3.Open the picture you want rendering.

4.Zoom in as hard as you can go and keep selecting spots on the picture so you have an outline all around it when you zoom out.

5.Click Selection from Path.


6.Go to Select>Invert

7.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered, Edit>Clear

8.Viola! You have a perfect render!


Ok. Now we'll move onto the Colour Picker tool.

The Colour Picker tool is a great tool you can use by selecting a colour on the picture and it comes up in the Foreground Box for you without you having to guess the Colour and having to be messing around with the colour slider so much. It can be useful for picking up a colour from the picture so you can use it in a background or text that you want based on the picture, or it can be useful so if you were trying to make your own image of the picture you could use the colour you just picked to make it easier for you to make it. Ok, thats the basics of that. Now the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy. Open GIMP.

2.Open the picture you want the colour picked off.

3.Select the colour picker tool(The one on the left).


4.Select the colour you want picked.

5.Viola! It has now been picked and placed in your Foreground Colour Box so it is ready to use later.


The fourth set is the magnify and move tools.

[spoiler=The Magnify and Move tool's Area:]



The Magnify tool is helpful. It can make using the Path Tool easier, drawing images better,easier to see where you need to draw on the image and lots more. The magnify tool can also make it easier to see what changes the filters have made to the image if when you use a filter it doesn't seem to have changed.Ok then, the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Okay, you know what to do.

2.Select the Magnify Tool(One highlighted on the second row).


3.Select Zoom In.

4.Open your image.

5.Click on your picture multiple times to zoom in.

6.Select Zoom Out.

7.Click your picture a few times until you can see it is back to its original size.

8.Well done! You now know how to use the Magnify tool.


Okay, this is easy. The move tool.

The Move Tool can move things into place, move a layer into a new place to make your image stand out better and lots more. The Move tool can help you move the desired picture to where you want it to be placed, and can also help you move a selection or path. Ok, this is all I can explain about the Move tool so lets go onto the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.You know...

2.Open a new document, no matter what size.

3.Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N).

4.Paint something on that new layer with the PaintBrush tool.

5.Grab the Move tool(Tool with Four Arrows as an icon).

6.Click and drag the paintbrush layer to somewhere else.

7.Viola! You've just learnt how to move things and objects.


The fifth set is the Rotate,Scale,Flip and Text tool's.

[spoiler=The Rotate,Scale,Flip and Text Tool's Area:]



The Rotate tool(The one with an icon with two rectangles at different angles)is very useful for making different effects such as chjanging the angle of some text, the angle of an image or anything else that might need rotating. It is also useful for making something fit or making something more presented. It is very useful for turning things to make them blend in with another object and it's also useful for, well, lots more stuff. To learn how to use the tool, follow this little step by step guide.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.I'm not gonna explain it...

2.Open Something.

3.Select the Rotate tool, the one on the Third Row.


4.Click the image.

5.Mess around with the slider and click OK.

6.Viola! You have a most perfected rotated thingy! That definitely saved some time instead of having to make it diagonaly yourself...


The Scale tool is very useful for making an object bigger,smaller,or whatever. It can make something bigger so people can actually see what it is, or you can make it smaller and make it like one of Gimp's icons.Yeah.Small. It is a great tool and if you use paint and make it bigger...You won't be listened to. Anyways, here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.You should know this by now...

2.Open up your image.

3.Grab the scale tool(Frist one on the Fourth Row).


4.Click your image.

5.Mess around with the settings till it is transformed to what you want.

6.Viola! Your done! A most bigger or smaller picture!


The Flip Tool. It is great for,well,flipping images. It can also be used to make a reflection for an image. It can also be used to make a sort of mirror, so you can make that thing be flipped backwards. It's so easy even a baby could handle this with the right skills. So, here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Open the image.

3.Select the Flip tool(2nd one selected on the fourth row).


4.Select either Horizontal flip or Vertical Flip.

5.Click the image.

6.Viola! You've just learnt how to flip an image!


The Text Tool is great for adding some extras or effects to a sig or tag, great for advertisments and great for other stuff including blogs,forums,adding life into photographs and a heck of a lot more. So. You ready? Enter the tut...

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Make a new document.

3.Select the Text Tool(Tool with the letter A as the icon)


4.Select your font,size and colour.

5.Click your image, type something in the box that opens then close the box.

6.Your done! Easy or not?


The sixth set is the Fill,Blend,Pencil,Paintbrush and Eraser tool's.

[spoiler=Fill,Blend,Pencil,Paintbrush and Eraser tool's area:]



The Fill tool is a really useful tool. It can be used for lots of things, like if there was a black and white picture and you wanted to add colour to it, you could fill it instead of paintbrushing it,you could use the tool to give you a nice background,and lots more. The Fill Tool is like a massive tub of paint just being sploshed over something and then you clean the sides up afterwards. Ok. Here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Do I even Have to explain this?

2.Open a New Document, doesn't matter what size.

3.Grab the Fill tool(First One on the Fifth Row).


4.Click your image.

5.Your done! You now know how to fill and change the way an image looks.


The Blend Tool is how you can make two colours blur together without having to be on separate images. You can make gradients to suit you, and you can just choose gradients to blend in with your sig,tag,member card or whatever.But there is another way to do this, the proffesional way.I'll tell you about that later. So lets start the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP. Did you know that? Thought you did.

2.Open a new document,no matter what size.

3.Click the Blend Tool(Second one highlighted on the Fifth Row).


4.Click the little box that has the black and white in it below the tools and choose what gradient you want.

5.Click and drag anywhere you want and then let go when you're at the end.

6.Viola! You have an easy done gradient picture!


Okay. Now we collide with the pencil tool. This tool is useful for drawing a picture because the lines would be thinner then the paintbrushes way of drawing. It is useful for sketching,drawing black and white images, and other black and white sugary stuff. It is also good for outlining stuff.

Ok. Heres the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP.

2.Open a new document.

3.Click the pencil tool(Tool with a pencil as an icon).


4.Click and drag on the document and let go when your done or if you want to, click somewhere once on the document, move your mouse somewhere else and then press Shift+Ctrl and drag to get a straight line!

5.Well done! You now know how to draw wonky or straight using the pencil tool.


The Paintbrush tool. Great for painting, great for drawing random, or anything else like that. The paintbrush tool might just be one of the most used tools in GIMP ever! It is a great tool. I really can't seem to think of anything more to explain this, so I think we have to go onto the tutorial right now.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

Same tutorial as the pencil tool's tutorial, just only you click the fourth icon on the fifth row.



The Eraser tool is great for,well,erasing stuff. It can help tackle those small edges that need erasing, and can tackle possible anything that stands in its path! It's just so cool. And nearly if we were in virtual reality, it could even erase ME!!!!!!! Anyways, heres the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

Same as the pencil tool's tutorial, just you click the Fifth icon on the Fifth Row.


The Last set is the Layer Opacity and Layer Mode tool's.

[spoiler=The Layer Opacity and Layer Mode tool's Area:]



The Layer Opacity is great for fusing two layers and making you able to see both of them. For Example if I wanted a red background with some people as the background layer I change the opacity to make people see both those layers. If you know best you might know that sometimes higher opacity works for the layers, and lower opacity works, middle opacity works, or nearly no opacity at all works! It is a great tool also to help you fuse two images together. So heres the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Open a new document, no matter what size.

3.Find the Layer Opacity bar.


4.Move the slider down till it is at 50.0.

5.Do you see the change? You can now see half white,half checkerd boxes. The Checkered Boxes are used for transparency. So if you turned the Opcaity down to 0.0, all you cna see is Checkered Boxes, which is used to show you that there is nothing there, its just all transparent.


The Layer Mode tool is great for changing the effects of an image. So like for example, having difference on makes everything invert, and dodge and burn make the images change and effect some of itself. The Layer Mode tool can make your image go weird,crazy,stupid,wacky,cool,damn right weird and damn right weird. Its so cool. So heres the tut so you can try it for yourself.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP.

2.Open Your image.

3.Make a New Layer(Ctrl+Shift+N).

4.Fill it in Black.

5.Go crazy and experiment with what modes make your picture become weird. Go on! Oh yeah. The Layer Mode is by here.




Ok, I may have missed some tools or stuff out, but that will be in GimpWonders Part II, which has got all the proffesional stuff in it. So don't panic, more will be on its way.


Hope you found this useful.

[spoiler=The Basic Tools in Bigger Text:]

This tutorial will show all you guys how to use the basic tools in Gimp.


The first set of tools is the Rectangular and Elliptical tool, which is shaped in the picture in a Red Rectangle:

[spoiler=Rectangular and Elliptical tool's area:]



The Rectangular tool,the one on the left,can be used for many things.It can be used for selecting and deleting stuff,it can be used to make a specific area so your red fill tool doesn't fill the whole thing and make you delete the sides so you have to do 4 rectangle selects to delete the sides themselves and you just fill the specific area,it can be used to measure the length of something,and lots more. So,how do you use the rectangle select tool? Easy. Just follow this tutorial and you'll be using the rectangular tool like there is no tomorrow.

[spoiler=The tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy. Open GIMP.

2.Select the rectangular select tool from where I showed you it was placed.


3.Mess with the settings,like making it have rounded corners, feathered edges etc. if you want the rectangular selection to be completey different from the original select.

4.Click and drag from where you want it to start,and then let go of the mouse where you want it to end.

5.Viola! You have a perfect rectangular selection!



But that reign of terror isn't over,yet.Now,we move onto a very similar situation,the rectangular selection tool's brother. The Elliptical Tool.

The Elliptical tool is used for making circles or ovals,and again,the elliptical tool is similar because it can do exactly the same jobs as the rectangular tool can do. So,for the tutorial, keep reading.

[spoiler=The tutorial:]

Okay,there is no point in this. You just do the same stuff as you do with the rectangular tool's tutorial, only it is the elliptical tool you're meant to be using. There you go. I taught you how to use it.



Now the second set of tools is the Free Select tool and the fuzzy select tool. Which is in a red rectangle again.

[spoiler=Free Select and Fuzzy tool's Area:]



The Free Select tool, the one with a cowboy's lasso icon on it, can be used for selecting a random wonky floppy shape. So instead of a fixed shape with right angles or corners, you have right angles and corners and other stuff that is not shaped like either of them. It is a great tool for just going random and cutting out random shapes that your not bothered about what shape it makes, but if you're trying to make a random shape but not all floppy and want to have joints along the way, you'll need the Path Tool(More about that tool later).So, the tutorial? Look on...

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy.Open GIMP.

2.Select the tool that has a picture of a cowboy's lasso as the icon.


3.Open a new white document,doesn't matter how big it is.

4.With the Free Select tool,select something random.

5.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered,Edit>Clear.

6.Well done! You've made a crazy and weird picture!

7.Congratulations! You have now learnt how to use the Free Select tool and how it can make one blank picture crazy.


But that reign of terror ain't over yet.This guy is trying to fight and destroy the Free Select tool. That tool? The Fuzzy Select tool.

The Fuzzy Select tool(The tool with the magic wand as the icon)can select something and help you delete it. So if you selected the colour white with The Fuzzy Select tool on the picture, it would select that pixel you selected and all the other white parts touching it. It also works with every colour. It is a really useful tool for rendering. The only thing bad about it is that when you delete that background of the render, it leaves tiny specks of white behind on the edges of the render. But other than that, that can be fixed by erasing some of the edges, or gaussian blurring it at a low number. So here is the tutorial. Not with a render, just a blank picture.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open a new document and if you know how to, fill it with black(Fill tool explained later).

2.Select the fuzzy tool(The one with a magic wand as the icon).


3.Select anywhere in the picture.

4.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered, Edit>Clear.

5.Viola! I know its just a plain old transparent background, but you don't need to save it. It's just to get you into the habit of Fuzzy Selecting.


Okay, now we're at the 3rd set of tools. That is the Paths Tool and the Colour Picker tool.

[spoiler=Paths and Colour Picker tool's Area:]



The Paths tool is like the Free Select tool, only it has joints and you can change the way it looks. The Paths tool is great for rendering and like the Free Select tool it can make random shapes and delete them. So if you're trying to decide which one you need to make a crazy shape, I reccomend the Free Select Tool. If you're trying to look for a tool that is good for rendering, I recommend the Path Tool and DEFINITELY NOT the Free Select tool. Anyways, lets start with the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy.Open GIMP.

2.Select the Paths Tool(The one on the right).


3.Open the picture you want rendering.

4.Zoom in as hard as you can go and keep selecting spots on the picture so you have an outline all around it when you zoom out.

5.Click Selection from Path.


6.Go to Select>Invert

7.Go to Edit>Cut or if preffered, Edit>Clear

8.Viola! You have a perfect render!


Ok. Now we'll move onto the Colour Picker tool.

The Colour Picker tool is a great tool you can use by selecting a colour on the picture and it comes up in the Foreground Box for you without you having to guess the Colour and having to be messing around with the colour slider so much. It can be useful for picking up a colour from the picture so you can use it in a background or text that you want based on the picture, or it can be useful so if you were trying to make your own image of the picture you could use the colour you just picked to make it easier for you to make it. Ok, thats the basics of that. Now the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Easy Peasy. Open GIMP.

2.Open the picture you want the colour picked off.

3.Select the colour picker tool(The one on the left).


4.Select the colour you want picked.

5.Viola! It has now been picked and placed in your Foreground Colour Box so it is ready to use later.


The fourth set is the magnify and move tools.

[spoiler=The Magnify and Move tool's Area:]



The Magnify tool is helpful. It can make using the Path Tool easier, drawing images better,easier to see where you need to draw on the image and lots more. The magnify tool can also make it easier to see what changes the filters have made to the image if when you use a filter it doesn't seem to have changed.Ok then, the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Okay, you know what to do.

2.Select the Magnify Tool(One highlighted on the second row).


3.Select Zoom In.

4.Open your image.

5.Click on your picture multiple times to zoom in.

6.Select Zoom Out.

7.Click your picture a few times until you can see it is back to its original size.

8.Well done! You now know how to use the Magnify tool.


Okay, this is easy. The move tool.

The Move Tool can move things into place, move a layer into a new place to make your image stand out better and lots more. The Move tool can help you move the desired picture to where you want it to be placed, and can also help you move a selection or path. Ok, this is all I can explain about the Move tool so lets go onto the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.You know...

2.Open a new document, no matter what size.

3.Make a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N).

4.Paint something on that new layer with the PaintBrush tool.

5.Grab the Move tool(Tool with Four Arrows as an icon).

6.Click and drag the paintbrush layer to somewhere else.

7.Viola! You've just learnt how to move things and objects.


The fifth set is the Rotate,Scale,Flip and Text tool's.

[spoiler=The Rotate,Scale,Flip and Text Tool's Area:]



The Rotate tool(The one with an icon with two rectangles at different angles)is very useful for making different effects such as chjanging the angle of some text, the angle of an image or anything else that might need rotating. It is also useful for making something fit or making something more presented. It is very useful for turning things to make them blend in with another object and it's also useful for, well, lots more stuff. To learn how to use the tool, follow this little step by step guide.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.I'm not gonna explain it...

2.Open Something.

3.Select the Rotate tool, the one on the Third Row.


4.Click the image.

5.Mess around with the slider and click OK.

6.Viola! You have a most perfected rotated thingy! That definitely saved some time instead of having to make it diagonaly yourself...


The Scale tool is very useful for making an object bigger,smaller,or whatever. It can make something bigger so people can actually see what it is, or you can make it smaller and make it like one of Gimp's icons.Yeah.Small. It is a great tool and if you use paint and make it bigger...You won't be listened to. Anyways, here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.You should know this by now...

2.Open up your image.

3.Grab the scale tool(Frist one on the Fourth Row).


4.Click your image.

5.Mess around with the settings till it is transformed to what you want.

6.Viola! Your done! A most bigger or smaller picture!


The Flip Tool. It is great for,well,flipping images. It can also be used to make a reflection for an image. It can also be used to make a sort of mirror, so you can make that thing be flipped backwards. It's so easy even a baby could handle this with the right skills. So, here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Open the image.

3.Select the Flip tool(2nd one selected on the fourth row).


4.Select either Horizontal flip or Vertical Flip.

5.Click the image.

6.Viola! You've just learnt how to flip an image!


The Text Tool is great for adding some extras or effects to a sig or tag, great for advertisments and great for other stuff including blogs,forums,adding life into photographs and a heck of a lot more. So. You ready? Enter the tut...

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Make a new document.

3.Select the Text Tool(Tool with the letter A as the icon)


4.Select your font,size and colour.

5.Click your image, type something in the box that opens then close the box.

6.Your done! Easy or not?


The sixth set is the Fill,Blend,Pencil,Paintbrush and Eraser tool's.

[spoiler=Fill,Blend,Pencil,Paintbrush and Eraser tool's area:]



The Fill tool is a really useful tool. It can be used for lots of things, like if there was a black and white picture and you wanted to add colour to it, you could fill it instead of paintbrushing it,you could use the tool to give you a nice background,and lots more. The Fill Tool is like a massive tub of paint just being sploshed over something and then you clean the sides up afterwards. Ok. Here's the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Do I even Have to explain this?

2.Open a New Document, doesn't matter what size.

3.Grab the Fill tool(First One on the Fifth Row).


4.Click your image.

5.Your done! You now know how to fill and change the way an image looks.


The Blend Tool is how you can make two colours blur together without having to be on separate images. You can make gradients to suit you, and you can just choose gradients to blend in with your sig,tag,member card or whatever.But there is another way to do this, the proffesional way.I'll tell you about that later. So lets start the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP. Did you know that? Thought you did.

2.Open a new document,no matter what size.

3.Click the Blend Tool(Second one highlighted on the Fifth Row).


4.Click the little box that has the black and white in it below the tools and choose what gradient you want.

5.Click and drag anywhere you want and then let go when you're at the end.

6.Viola! You have an easy done gradient picture!


Okay. Now we collide with the pencil tool. This tool is useful for drawing a picture because the lines would be thinner then the paintbrushes way of drawing. It is useful for sketching,drawing black and white images, and other black and white sugary stuff. It is also good for outlining stuff.

Ok. Heres the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP.

2.Open a new document.

3.Click the pencil tool(Tool with a pencil as an icon).


4.Click and drag on the document and let go when your done or if you want to, click somewhere once on the document, move your mouse somewhere else and then press Shift+Ctrl and drag to get a straight line!

5.Well done! You now know how to draw wonky or straight using the pencil tool.


The Paintbrush tool. Great for painting, great for drawing random, or anything else like that. The paintbrush tool might just be one of the most used tools in GIMP ever! It is a great tool. I really can't seem to think of anything more to explain this, so I think we have to go onto the tutorial right now.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

Same tutorial as the pencil tool's tutorial, just only you click the fourth icon on the fifth row.



The Eraser tool is great for,well,erasing stuff. It can help tackle those small edges that need erasing, and can tackle possible anything that stands in its path! It's just so cool. And nearly if we were in virtual reality, it could even erase ME!!!!!!! Anyways, heres the tutorial.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

Same as the pencil tool's tutorial, just you click the Fifth icon on the Fifth Row.


The Last set is the Layer Opacity and Layer Mode tool's.

[spoiler=The Layer Opacity and Layer Mode tool's Area:]



The Layer Opacity is great for fusing two layers and making you able to see both of them. For Example if I wanted a red background with some people as the background layer I change the opacity to make people see both those layers. If you know best you might know that sometimes higher opacity works for the layers, and lower opacity works, middle opacity works, or nearly no opacity at all works! It is a great tool also to help you fuse two images together. So heres the tut.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]


2.Open a new document, no matter what size.

3.Find the Layer Opacity bar.


4.Move the slider down till it is at 50.0.

5.Do you see the change? You can now see half white,half checkerd boxes. The Checkered Boxes are used for transparency. So if you turned the Opcaity down to 0.0, all you cna see is Checkered Boxes, which is used to show you that there is nothing there, its just all transparent.


The Layer Mode tool is great for changing the effects of an image. So like for example, having difference on makes everything invert, and dodge and burn make the images change and effect some of itself. The Layer Mode tool can make your image go weird,crazy,stupid,wacky,cool,damn right weird and damn right weird. Its so cool. So heres the tut so you can try it for yourself.

[spoiler=The Tutorial:]

1.Open GIMP.

2.Open Your image.

3.Make a New Layer(Ctrl+Shift+N).

4.Fill it in Black.

5.Go crazy and experiment with what modes make your picture become weird. Go on! Oh yeah. The Layer Mode is by here.




Ok, I may have missed some tools or stuff out, but that will be in GimpWonders Part II, which has got all the proffesional stuff in it. So don't panic, more will be on its way.


Hope you found this useful.






[spoiler=Animation Making:]


Here is a tutorial on how to make a basic animation. Proffesional animations will be post in GimpWonders Part II.


1.Open GIMP.

2.Make a new image, no matter what size.

3.Draw a line with the pencil or paintbrush tool going horizontal in the middle(You can make some guides to keep you on track by going to Image>Guides>Add New Guide and when finished with them you can go to Image>Guides>Remove All Guides).


4.Once Guides are removed, duplicate that layer by pressing the two boxes down the bottom.


5.Once that layer is duplicated, grab the rotate tool and click the duplicated layer.

6.Change the slider in the rotate box to 4.00.


7.Then,Duplicate that duplicated layer.

8.Keep Repeating Steps 5,6 and 7 until the image has done a half circle rotation and has 46 layers.

9.Then go to Filters>Animation>Optimize(For GIF).

10. A new window will open. It is exactly the same but it will have less memory in it.Then you can save it.

11.Save as gif. and make sure when the pop up window comes up tick Save As Animation.

12.It takes a long time to work but it gets there.

Viola! You have a easy and basic animation!




[spoiler=Update Announcment:]

I can't think of any tutorials to put down so if you PM me and give me the title of the tutorial you want me to put down I can work it out and put it down in this very box.






Thanks for looking at my post. I hope you've learnt somethin' new!




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Yeah,maybe. But it not's gonna get stickied to easily because people would just critisize me and say "I've seen better posts than this.",and then when I ask a moderator can I have a stickie they would go,"I'll think about it" because my posts never get stickied ever but you never know. It might just happen...

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