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Metal Gear Solid vs. Splinter Cell


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Why do people have to say "Oh splinter cell is better it's actually a stealth game." Yes it is more of a stealth game, at least weaponry wise. The Metal Gear Solid Series gave you more then just small handguns for getting head shots, it gave you the choice to play stealth, or running and gunning, and most people choose running and gunning, now Splinter Cell, at least all of them before Conviction, forced you to play stealth action, otherwise you would die in a second.

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Splinter Cell is more of a realistic stealth game. But Metal Gear is fun also, it has stealth, but the above screen for MGS2 can get annoying, plus this game is unrealistic (The Sorrow in MGS3). I would go with Splinter Cell for now, since I've played multiplayer on it, I'll wait for MGS Online.

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Splinter is kind of dead isn't it? I mean I haven't seen a game from in so long.


To answer the question people are stupid. When they look at both games all they see a game that needs stealth, but they fail to look more into it and see both are very different.


Still, this does break section rules and will be locked.


Also it's pro to lock a thread when you ask a question in the post you lock the thread in.

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