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Splicing Studio for Requests.


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Before I start, I will say that any requests will be done depending on my mood. Please don't be offended if I miss you. The less requests there are, the more likely the fusion will be complete.


All work is free, though a small payment always works as a piece of motivation (Guaranteed Work & More time spent on work)


So, here are some pieces:




I'm also working on a Voltorb Pokedex, when I get enough of that done I will post that here too.


Most work will be at the weekend, and if I don't always get the chance to complete a piece, well practice patience.


Feel free to use these as avatar, just I request signature credit.


All requests should be reasonable, so no more than 4, unless your giving payment.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

And you want to sell things for free because...?


Gimme a dark dragon that actually resembles a dragon and I'll pay you. Don't use any part of Dragonite, or I take it free.

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