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50$- deck....Cornarchs!!


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Me and my freind was shopping. When we was on our way home we saw a lottery. We each had 50 cents left(yay for shopping all of my money). We bought a ticket together and we actually won. We got 100$. We shared the money and saw who could make the best deck for 50$. This is my deck:


Caius the shadow monarch x3

Vanity’s fiend x2

Raiza the storm monarch x1

Thestalos the firestorm monarch x1

Kycoo the ghost destroyer x3

D.D. assailant x3

Gorz emissary of darkness x1

Nimble momonga x3

Spirit reaper x1

D.D. warrior lady x1

The tricky x1

Penguin soldier x1

Dekoichi x1

Cyber dragon x1


Monster reborn x1

Shrink x2

Heavy storm x1

Brain control x1

Mystical space typhoon x1

Lightning vortex x1

Burden of the mighty x1

Soul exchange x2

Allure of darkness x1

Rota x1




Trap dustshot x1

Threatening roar x3

Torrential tribute x1

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me and my freind was shopping.




As for the deck, I'm sure the fixes are relatively obvious, but I guess you're trying to keep it under a 50 dollar budget. Do all the cards added together have to equal 50, or can you use cards you already own? Because I think you're over. Allure is 20 on a good day, Raiza's 10, and Burden of the Mighty's 10ish. Gorz is 5ish. Not really important, just curious.


I'd take out 1 DD assailant or Penguin Soldier for Treeborn Frog and swap a divine wrath for a 3rd Roar. That still keeps it budget-y. Neat idea, btw.

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