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Morphtronics - posted for budgetification


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Deck works O.K., I just found this too expensive! xD Essentially, I need to make it cheaper without making it bad.


This deck was built for use after May 12th, the release of Raging Battle. That would mean the same banlist we currently have. (Yes, I've read the rules. Adding those sentences should mean that I'm technically not breaking them.)


Changes in bold, original deck here.


Morphtronic Deck (41)


Monsters (18)


1x Cyber Dragon

3x Cyber Valley

3x Morphtronic Boarden

3x Morphtronic Boomboxen

3x Morphtronic Celfon

3x Morphtronic Radion

1x Morphtronic Remocon

1x Morphtronic Scopen


Spells (17)


1x Brain Control

1x Future Fusion

1x Giant Trunade

1x Heavy Storm

3x Junk Box

1x Limiter Removal

3x Machine Duplication

1x Monster Reborn

3x Morphtronic Accelerator

3x Morphtronic Map

1x Overload Fusion


Traps (4)


1x Mirror Force

2x Morphtronic Forcefield

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck (15)


2x Stardust Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Dark Strike Fighter

2x Power Tool Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Magical Android

2x Chimeratech Overdragon

1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Side Deck (15)


3x Double Tool D&C

3x Gadget Driver

2x Magic Drain

3x Morphtronic Bind

1x Morphtronic Cord

3x Morphtronic Monitron


The monster list allows for a quick and narrow condition- Swarm. Boomboxen has 1' date='200 ATK and attacks twice. Boardon allows him to Attack directly with 2,400. Radion increases everyone's ATK by 800, and that all goes into direct attacks. Celfon makes you gain ridiculous advantage, placing so many Morphtronics on the field. Cyber Valley, Celfon and Boardon are dupable. Cyber Valley is your draw engine as well as battle protection.


Map, Accelerator, Junk Box, and Dupe are all self-explanatory, great cards. Overload Fusion allows for a great late-game play if Cyber is in the grave. Limiter allows for the direct ATKs to all double (not original ATK, so it's likely gonna be for game).


Forcefield searches itself and protects your full field from Torrential/Mirror Force. Extra deck is generic.[/quote']

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@Crimson King: I'll have to try that sometime. Thanks! :)


Cyber Valleys seems random' date=' needs some draw power.





You can use 1 of the following 3 effects:

● When this card is selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster you can remove this card from play to draw 1 card and end the Battle Phase. ● You can remove from play this card and 1 face-up monster you control and draw 2 cards. ● You can remove from play this card and 1 card from your hand' date=' and place 1 card from your Graveyard on top of your Deck.[/quote']




Cyber Valleys seems random' date=' needs some draw power.



Machine Duplication.



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