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If you had a million dollars...

Holy Babylon

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spend it on a mac with PS CS4 creative suites installed on it.


Some badass drugs.


i would by 999' date='999 $ and then go on a shopping spree ^^



Damn she beat me to it.


After buying the 999,999$, I'd buy lots of video games, two new laptops (I have a reason for this.), a PS3 and an X-Box 360, and then I'd save the rest for whenever.


I dunno' date=' save it, buy loads of lotto tickets, and win even more.



And buy myself a Larxene.

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I would 1/3 to charity' date=' 1/3 I'd give to my mom, 1/3 I'd save for college


You may only use it on one thing.


WE HAVE FREEEEEEDOM! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!.......crap, I gots to change my answer.


USA does so not have freedom


i would buy a cookie as big as the world!!!!!! and NO ONE can have any!!!!!!

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I would 1/3 to charity' date=' 1/3 I'd give to my mom, 1/3 I'd save for college


You may only use it on one thing.


WE HAVE FREEEEEEDOM! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!.......crap, I gots to change my answer.


USA does so not have freedom


i would buy a cookie as big as the world!!!!!! and NO ONE can have any!!!!!!



Maybe golden socks, golden cookies, golden windows, golden clothes, golden me, golden EVERYTHING!

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I would buy: Nothing. I would save it, until I would win the lottery (I have won it before) and then, I would spend my However much money and a million dollars on.



A REAL computer

A new laptop

New DS


Nuclear War Bunker

PS2 (Certain reason for this)

Personal Assassins, hired to kill anybody I command them as if they do not I whip them

A cookeh

The internet

Satellite TV to go in my Bunker

and 2nd copies of all of these (except the internet, bunker, assassins, and satellite) to go in my bunker.



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