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LOCK! Part 1 of YGO GX AoT Orichalcos


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OoC: I'm back. *yawn* alot happened by the looks of things, and awesome66, grim the wanderer, stop arguing. Anyway, like I said, we'll make it the next morning (Grim and Zack can continue their conversation if they want)



Richard got up quite early. There was still 3 hours until class starts, so he decided to go to the beach. He wished he wasn't alone like this.

"I can't have my friends interrupt the duel...I doubt I'll win..." he muttered.

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"Maybe she's right...Maybe I am wrong about the Orichalcos..." Richard's mind was beginning to corrupt. "Maybe I should..."

Although unnoticable to any other students, Richard's eyes now seemed to have the slightest tint of green towards the edges. "I'd better head off to the school now. Maybe I can talk to professor Kyle about this. He may know about the Orichalcos..." Richard made his way to the school as slowly as possible.

After an hour or so, Richard finally arrived at the classroom.

"Professor Kyle? You here?" he called.

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After waiting for what seemed like an hour, Richard decided it would be best to just sit down next to where Poseidon sits and wait for class to begin. There were fewer kids in class than ever now. "I wonder how many are in the care of miss Fontaine now?" He thought to himself.

OoC: Where is everyone today?

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Kyle walked into the classroom you could tell on him that he was exhausted,he looked around the classroom and saw that there were quite a few students left,he got to his desk and knocked at it with his fist a few times so that everyone stop making noise and sit down

"Students there has been several incidents,so i have decided that today instead of having a test,we shall all see who well you do in a duel would you please follow me to the arena."He said while walking through the door and waiting for the students to follow him.

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Richard got up and followed the professor. "I wonder if I should listen to Felicity instead of fight her... NO! I must stop her! I can't give in to self-doubt...can I?"


He prepared his Deck, wondering if he should really go through with the lesson instead of preparing.

"...yeah, right. What is there to prepare? My losing speach?"

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Richard set up his duel disk, set his life points, drew 6 cards from his Deck and stated, "I'll go first!". He looked at his hand with content. "I set this monster and then I throw down these 2 face downs and end my turn!"


Hand: 3

LP: 4000

Mons: 1 set

Spell/Trap: 2 set.

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Poseidon: Is that all?

Poseidon draws six cards and studies them...

Poseidon: I'll play the field card "A Legendary Ocean", throw down three face-downs and Summon "Amphibious Bugroth MK-3" Which means he can attack you directly and you'll lose 1700 Life Points...


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