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LOCK! Part 1 of YGO GX AoT Orichalcos


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"I dunno. One night, I was up late to see how Jaden's kids were doing in DA, when I saw a wierd guy carrying a wierd duel disk go to Yusuke's house. A short while later, this big green cirlce came out of nowhere, and encircled the house. Next thing I know, I see a Red-eyes black dragon tearing through the roof! But then it faded with the circle, and the roof was being repaired the next morning...but..."

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"Yeah. He no longer came out of his home to see us, and one night, I followed him to an underground dueling society. called themselves something like 'oriclekos duelists' . I was caught, and they forced me to duel Yusuke...and then..." Atticus shuddered. the meories were painful.

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"Uh... its a long story..."

Zarkus explained to him the entire situation. It took a short while because a lot happened when he was absorbed by the darkness.

"Then I woke up in the abandonded dorm with a few new cards"

He explained the events that led up to now.

"And thats how I got here."

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"Right. Now let me explain what happened to me and Yusuke..."

Atticus explained all events that included him and/or Yusuke.

"...and then we get to here. Now come inside! the heats been leaving for ages now."

he ushered Zarkus in and shut the door.

"I'll check up on this "Orichalcos" thing". Atticus headed upstairs and into the attic to start his research.

ooc: hopefully, not much.

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A while later...



Yusuke left his house. "If Zarkus is back...then he'll most likely apply for a job at the academy...I'd better prepare..." And he left to catch a secret transport to DA.


The next morning...


Atticus had left Zarkus a note and the results of his research:


I saw Yusuke leave his home ysterday night. He had a wierd duel disk on and seemes to be met by more wierdos. I have decided to investigate. I may not be back soon...

By the way, the notes show that this "Orichalcos" thing challenged the great Yugi! And the Orichalcos is 10000 years old! I cannot believe it!


Hope to see you soon,



PS: If I'm not back before you need to return to DA, please tell 'Lex, will you?

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A waiter on the ship came up to Fredrick.


"Sir, can I get you anything?"


"No. Now leave me be."


Fredrick pulled out his Red-Eyes B. Dragon card from his deck.


" Soon, my friend. We will have our revenge."

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ooc: I really need to start pt 2 ASAP. SUPREME TIMESKIP!


~end of the hols, end of part 1~


Please check back here tomorrow, when I will post a new application form for new applicants, and an updated story. Till then, I bid thou goodnight.

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To DA: the end.

Alrighty! Part 2 is in progress!


Essentially, It would appear that the Orichalcos hasn't been finished off, and now, in the newest year at Duel Academy, some old foes and a few new ones have appeared...Also, KaibaCorp are currently testing out Duel Runners and "Speed Spells". This might be important later...




[spoiler=NEW Application form]




-If student, Dorm:

Bio (2 lines min):

Fave card*:

Orichalcos duelist: Y/N




most of you who are already in do not need to re-apply unless they want to.

These few peple have disappeared/haven't posted lately:

• awesome66

• Grim the Wanderer

•Archangel of destiny

so they had better re-apply if they want to stay in.


[spoiler=NEW: rules]

Please minimise swearing

Do not apply, get accepted, make a few posts then vanish like so many others have already

NO TURBO DUELS (yet - KaibaCorp will be ready with Duel Runners by around halfway through pt 2)




(A few more rules may appear when I think of them)



Thank you for your patience. The RP will restart when a few more people join.

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