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LOCK! Part 1 of YGO GX AoT Orichalcos


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OoC: He's got some OP'ed monsters I need a new plan.


Poseidon: I discard my 'Nightmare Penguin' to summon four fish monsters;

1 'Orca Mega-Frotress of Darkness' and 3 'Torpedo Fish'.

Now I activate my Trap Card; 'Ceasefire' dealing you 4500 damage!

Now I'll tribute my 3 torpedo fish to destroy the monsters on your field which can be destroyed.


OoC: What's left now?


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OOC: Hey DA, Im gonna just take my turn as if you did that.

Dark Zarkus's LP: 9500

Gr... grah! All my spell and trap cards... No matter. I still have Chaos King on the field.

Not for long! Its my turn! I draw!!! I activate the spell card Pot of Greed. I draw 2 cards from my deck... YES! This is perfect! I activate the Spell card Dark Soul Bounty. I discard my Dark Soul archfiend to draw 4 cards from my deck. And then I Special Summon Dark Soul from my hand! Now... SYNCRHO SUMMON! I send Dark Soul Jester, Dark Soul Golem, and Dark Soul to the Grave!

Zarkus folds his arms and chants.

"Flames of hell, come forth. Through personal sacrifice a mighty power will be released. Now, from a portion of my soul, I summon my ultimate monster! God of Self Sacrifice, Dark Soul Chaos King!!!!!!!!"

My Chaos King is unaffected by Spell and Trap cards, cannot be destroyed, and can attack you directly! Chaos King, attack the other Zarkus now!


He fell to the ground, limp.

Dark Zarkus's Life Points: 4000

I lay 2 cards face-down and end my turn. I pay 1000 Life Points to maintain my Seal by the effect of my Dark Sacrifice Duo

Life Points: 6000

Hand: 1

s/t:3, including the seal.

Monsters: 2

"...ergh... you son of a jabroni... Its my turn. I draw twice! Spell card activate! Angel of Charity!"

Both players discard everything and draw 6 cards.

"Now I Special Summon Dark Soul from my hand, and tribute him along with Dark Soul Chaos King to summon... Dark Soul Chaos Knight to the field in attack position! Now I activate her ability. By discarding one "Dark Soul" monster, I send, not destroy, all monsters on the field to the Graveyard! Say goodbye to your Chaos King! Now, Chaos Knight, attack Zarkus directly!

He was blown back by the attack, but said nothing.

Zarkus's LP: 2500

"Now I activate the Spell card, Compensation of Divine Light! I return Dark Knight to my hand to Special Summon Chaos King from my Graveyard. I set 2 cards and end my turn, and pay 1000 Life Points to maintain my seal.

Dark Zarkus's Life Points: 3000

Hand: 3

Monsters: 2

spell/traps: 2

[spoiler=cards used]





OOC: If DA doesnt start posting more, Im finishing this on my own.

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OOC: If you want me to take over the duel then just say so.



OoC: Do it.


Poseidon felt something wierd happen' date=' his duel spirit appeared but only to him, the spirit told him to turn around, so he did, he then saw his dead parents, they soon turned into Zombies which grabbed him, he then fell into a wierd graveyard place. However in the real world Poseiedon had fainted...[/i']


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[color=#1E90FF]"W-what did you do?"[/color]
[color=#FF0000]"Nothing... I just decided that I would rather duel you on my own. I will now draw one card instead of two."[/color]
[color=#1E90FF]"...Ergh! Its my turn!"
Zarkus held his hand on his deck, hoping for a decent card.
"Draw!... good. Now, I summon Dark Soul Skull King to the field and Special Summon Dark Soul Jester from my hand! Now, Synchro Summon, Dark End Dragon!!!! Richard, this is for you! I activate his effect, reducing his attack points by 500 to send your Chaos King to the Graveyard. Now, Dark End Dragon, attack his Dark Sacrifice Duo now!"[/color]
[color=#FF0000]Trap card, open! Defense Draw! I reduce the battle damage to zero and draw one card from my deck.[/color]
[color=#1E90FF]Not bad. However, I activate my Face Down card, Martyr Curse! Now our monsters battle again![/color]
[color=#FF0000]AAAARGH!!! No... I will not LOSE!!!![/color]
Dark Zarkus's Life Points: 900
[color=#1E90FF]Turn end.[/color]
[color=#FF0000]I draw![/color]
[color=#1E90FF]I activate the Spell card, Shadow Duelist's Aura! By sending 3 cards from the top of my deck to the Graveyard, DARK monsters I control cannot be destroyed by battle and all damage I take is halved.[/color]
[color=#FF0000]"Ehehehe... not like it matters..."
Zarkus starts glowing a dark color.
"Its time for the most powerful Dark Soul monster of them all to rise! By removing Dark Soul Chaos King, Dark Soul Skull King, Dark Soul Jester, Dark Soul Golem, and Dark Soul Archfiend in my Graveyard from play... I can summon the most powerful monster in the world of Duel Monsters. Awaken, God of Darkness..."
The surrounding area was filled with an immense pressure... a normal human wouldn't even be able to stand up.
[size=large]DARK SOUL - BERSERKER END DRAGON!!!!![/size][/color]
[spoiler=For dramatic effect, play this song]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vFKplWPty4&feature=channel[/spoiler]
Chaos King rose up from the ground and was surrounded by 4 dark orbs. They entered his body and he started changing form into that of a dragon.
[spoiler=Effect]Dark Soul Chaos King + 4 "Dark Soul" monsters with a different name
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing the above cards on your side of the field and Graveyard from play. If this card is Special Summoned any other way, its destroyed. When a card effect is activated, you can discard one card from your hand to negate the activation and effect of the card and remove it from play and increase the ATK of this card by 1000. During your next Draw Phase, draw one extra card from your deck for every time this effect was activated. The effects of this card cannot be negated. Every End Phase, remove the top 10 cards of your deck from play or take 6000 damage.[/spoiler]
[color=#1E90FF]Zarkus almost threw up at the pressure it was exerting
"This is it... this is what makes his deck different from mine! This almighty power... this paragon of duel monsters![/color]
[color=#FF0000]"Berserker End Dragon! Attack Dark End Dragon now! I discard one card so you cant activate the effect of Necro Gardna in your Graveyard, and his ATK raises by 1000! I then activate Fatal Abacus bringing you down to 50 Life Points left![/color]
Zarkus's Life Points: 50
[color=#FF0000]I Special Summon Dark Soul from my hand, and tribute him along with my Dark Sacrifice Duo to maintain my Seal. Turn end.[/color]
Dark Zarkus's hand: 2
Monsters: 1
Spell/trap: 2
[color=#1E90FF]"...I draw one card from my deck due to my Aura"
...Its... its over... sorry Richard..."[/color]
~To be continued~[/b]
OOC: Dark End is still on the field.
[spoiler=Other cards used]
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(to grim) ooc: Remember? LL - AB forces all level 4+ monsters to defence.

IC: Felicity looked over her shoulder and gave a mean stare at good Zarkus. Somehow, she could tell which side he was really on. "Don't give up! So far, both you and Richard have strived to save someone from what I can see, and giving up will make you a plain loser!"


after that, a loud crack of thunder - GREEN Thunder - struck Richard's body.

"ugh...wh.." his eyes started to open.

"BROTHER!" Felicity wanted to run over to him, but that would mean forfeiting the duel. "...he's...OK..."

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"Richard is back... but... will my deck really come through for me?"

"Heh. You fool. No matter what you draw, its over. You're nothing. Nothing but my shadow. Accept your fate. Just close your eyes. It will all be over soon"

The apparitions of Yusuke and Atticus appeared next to him, putting their hands over his.

"You're wrong. You are a perfect example of what I am not! I am not your shadow... I am myself! Im Zarkus! This is it! This is the end for you! Its my turn! I draw!!!!!"

The darkness of the Seal of the Dark Oracle surrounded his hand, along with the light of Yusuke and Atticus.

"Darkness doesn't necesarily mean evil. I may have darkness in me, but I'll never become what you are! Now, I will show you... what it means to wield darkness for the sake of good! Spell card activate!"

"But... my monster will just negate it!"

"This card cannot be negated! It is the ultimate bond of friendship! The card I drew was... Spellbound Tuning! you see, by paying half of my Life Points, I can Special Summon any monster from my Deck or Extra deck thats named in a Synchro monster! I choose... Plaguespreader Zombie! Come forth! Now I summon Dark Soul from my hand! Now, lets do this! Go, Synchro Summon!

"Wh-what? What could you possibly summon that would allow you to win the duel?!?!??

The air arround was surrounded by an even heavier darkness. This darkness however, was comforting, and lifted the pressure of the Berserker End Dragon.

"From the inner darkness of the universe an almighty power will be awakened. The flames of hell will burn all creation to nothing but ash! Synchro Summon, my most powerful monster! Dimension Breaker Dragon - Envoy of Ruin!!!!"


[spoiler=effect]1 DARK Synchro monster + 1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, send all other cards on the field and in both player's hands to the Graveyard. Your opponent takes 300 damage for every card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. Negate any effects that would prevent them from being removed from the field. The summoning and effect of this card cannot be chained to.



"Now, Dimension Breaker Dragon! Activate your special ability! Rend the heavens, and sunder the Earth! Wipe out this impure darkness from the face of existance! End of Creation, Ultimate Chaos Flame!!!!"

The dragon exerted incredible flames outward, completely incinerating Berserker End Dragon. The Seal of the Dark Oracle Started cracking, and it was completely destroyed.

"AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! I... I cant... I CANT BELIEVE I LOST! I was... I was supposed to have complete mastery over the Seal of the Dark Oracle! NOOOOOOO!!!!!"

He disintigrated completely. There was nothing left of his darkness.

Dark Zarkus's Life Points:0

There was an immense cloud of smoke. After it fizzled out, Zarkus was on the ground, unconcious.

[spoiler=cards used]



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ooc: sorry, but I am itching to have all duels ended, so Felicity and Grim's duel will be forced to conclude because...er...the, er, lightning hit their duel disks so the duel was brought to an early conclusion (yes, that should stick...)

"I...I don't know..." Richard said as he fell to one knee.

"I do." Felicity said, walking over to the two boys. "It was determination. Determination and friendship brought Richard back. He was lost through self-sacrifice, and came back through us." Felicity seemed a bit distant when she said that.


ooc: Felicity's hair was singed from the flames, and since the monsters weren't holograms...the academy has a gaping hole in the roof...hehehe

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OOC: The force of my attack would actually have flattened the entire island if it wasnt held back by the Seal >_> So how about your duel disks were destroyed?

Zarkus got up and looked at Richard.

"My Seal is now under my full control... thanks for your help. Now Im sure it wont backfire on me anymore... and I made such a good friend out of all of this."

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ooc: that would work too.


"That's great." Richard was helped up by his sister, and they hugged each other. "Good to have us together again!"

"Definatley! But, er..." Felicity looked around the room. "How will we explain this to the chancellor?"

They both laugh. Richard then looked at Suukii, who also got up. "Suukii's also been freed...this time from the seal itself..."


"Richard...Zarkus...Felicity...You have done well, you have vanquished the seal of Orichalcos from the academy and freed eveyone. But that doesn't mean I won't give you all detentions for desecrating...Vandalizing...DEMOLISHING half the school!"


Richard and Felicity groaned.

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"Hey get back here! I won't rest 'till I catch you!" Suukii said as he chased after Zarkus.


ooc: Time to end things now. TIME SKIP.


A few months later, the day before the holidays...

A few months later, the day before the holidays...


Richard got up and dressed in casual clothes. "*yawn* Last day of my second year! I wonder where Zarkus got to after that wierd stuf a few months ago? Where could I find him?"




"Coming. Who is it?"

"Do the words, 'let me in or I'll tell everyone about your crush on Injection Fairy Lily' sound familliar?"

"Alright! Alright, Felicity! Don't tell anyone, will you?!"

he opened the door.

"I think I know where Zarkus is, bro. C'mon!"

They both ran off to the abandoned dorm.

"Now everyone's got their souls back, I don't think it's wise to go here..."

They entered and went to the main hall.

"Zarkus? Are you in here?"

ooc: this RP will close its first chapter tomorrow night. G2G

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