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LOCK! Part 1 of YGO GX AoT Orichalcos


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Felicity woke and got up from the floor where she had saved Richard. "What? I'm Free? That must mean Richard beat Suukii!" she gave a squeal of delight and ran off to Suukii's classroom.

When she was near Grim's office, she saw the duel between the two Zarkus and Poseidon. She ran in. "What? Where's my brother? Who are you...two...?" she said to the three duelists, slowing down when she saw the 2 identical Zarkus. Then she saw Richard down near Suukii, and screamed. "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!!" she let out a screech so loud it caused a mini-quake in the room. "WHO DID THIS TO HIM?!" Her eyes were a blazing red, her hair flickering like flames and an aura like a raging inferno. 3 Duel Spirits appeared near her; Hiita the Fire Charmer, Fox Fire, and Raging flame Sprite, all waiting to attack.

ooc: yup. Felicity LOVES fire.

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ooc: eh. She was gonna be against Zarkus anyway.

Felcity seemed engulfed by the fire. Her voice, rough and quadruple-toned (her, FF, HtFC and RFS);

"Whosoever brings harm to Richard shalt feel my Wrath!!!!" Her duel spirits now ran around Zarkus' seal, but couldn't enter, so they made a (literally) fire wall around the wall.

Bit of a fire hazard, I am... she thought as the spirits stopped rising just before causing the whole academy from burning. But Felicity felt something about Grim. Then she realised.

"You were there...at Suukii's last meeting about the mission to gain souls!" (ooc: Never in the RP, but just say it happened, since Grim and Felicity have never really had much happen before now.) "That must mean..."

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"You. Me! with the flames of my creatures burning your classromom to a cinder, I shall finish the Orichalcos' last duelist NOW!"

More flames spiraled around her and Grim as she activated her duel disk. "2 duels side-by-side. And..."Zarkus", was it? Well, Zarkus, I shall bring Richard Back after you fall to my flames when I duel YOU!"

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Felicity drew 6 cards. "I'm going first. DUEL!" she seems to smile, but the flames ae keeping her from view. "I activate LEVEL LIMIT - AREA B. All level 4+ monsters get changed to defence. Now I play my Blaze Accelerator and set this monster and 2 face-downs."

LP: 8000

H: 2

S/t: 3

M: 1

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ooc: oh yeah...well...WoRL is still played as an emergancy provision.

"My turn - Draw!" She looked. "I summon Firey Synchron and use its effect to Special Summon UFO turtle and Fox Fire! Of course, all but F.F are switched to defence position." All the monsters burst out of the flames surrounding Felicity, except for Fox Fire who flew in from where he had been running.

"Now I Tune my Synchron to the Fox Fire and UFO turtle to..." She begins her chant; "Born in the fires of battle, raised in the firey hearts of rage and Woe, Come down from the sun in which you live, and cast your wrath upon my foe! SYNCHRO SUMMON! Blue Flame Dragon!"

A huge dragon that looks like a firey version of Black Rose Dragon literally broke through the roof of the Academy. "Is this real enough for you?! I will crush all of the dark powers that threaten this academy and more to avenge my brother!" The flames twirling around her subsided and seemed to get sucked in by the dragon. "By paying half of my life points, I can Special Summon 1 monster from my Deck. I choose Prime Material Dragon!" Another dragon broke through the roof. "I now play Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards." (drew) "END."


LP: 2000

H: 3

s/t: 3

m: 1




"Blue Flame Dragon"

lv: 10

Type: Pyro / Synchro / Effect

Attribute: FIRE

ATK: 2000

DEF: 3000


1 FIRE Tuner + 1 or more FIRE non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be destroyed by battle or by the effects of Spell, Trap and Effect Monster Card effects. Once per turn, by paying half of your life points, you can Special Summon 1 Monster Card from your Deck. If this card is removed from the Field, destroy all cards on your opponent's Field and inflict 500 damage to both player's life points for each card destroyed by this card's effect.

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OOC: Take your turn DA. I have something epic planned :D

OOC: Eh, I'll just improvise.

"Is... is that Richard's sister?"

Zarkus looks over.

"...I... I see. I can feel it from her... shes obviously blaming me for this situation... It was mostly my fault"

"You lacked the fighting spirit to finish Richard off. I did it for you.

"Why... why are we doing this? Why am I fighting my other half? It was just as much my fault as yours..."

"How about this... you can leave the duel if you want, and it will just be between me and Poseidon. Sound good? My Life Points will halve and I will only be able to draw one card.

"...no. I have to defeat you..."

Zarkus looked over at Poseidon

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