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LOCK! Part 1 of YGO GX AoT Orichalcos


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Suukii smiled again as he felt Richard nearby. "No need. They're here already."


Richard walked in. "Master Suukii, I've brought the one with the new seal. His name is Zarkus." he said in a perfected evil voice. he walked out of the doorway for Zarkus.

ooc: better hurry! it's past 9! My spoilsport parents will send me to bed!

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Suukii looked surprised. "Why are you two communicating so calmly...UNLESS!" he realised. "You two are ganging up on me! *pause* Ha! as if you can outduel me."


Richard and Suukii called out. "DUEL!"


"My move!" Richard drew his first card. He was using his normal voice now. "Great! I activate Polymerization!" the big swirl appeared. "I fuse my Hero Child Rokky and Jinzo in my hand to summon Hero Child Earth Smasher! Now I activate monster reborn to bring Jinzo back!"

The monsters came forward in the order they were summoned. "I equip Jinzo with amplifier and end my turn."


LP: 8000

Hand: 1

M: 2

S/T: 1


ooc: custom card used:


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Zarkus drew 5 cards from his deck.

"Im not screwing around. Im going all out from the beginning."

He held a card up above his head

"Field Spell card, activate! Seal of the Dark Oracle!"

The seal encircled the whole field.

"And now I Special Summon my Dark Sacrifice Duo in my back row."



If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If a card effect would require you to tribute monsters, once per turn, you can pay Life Points in multiples of 500 for every required tribute in place of the tribute. This card cannot be destroyed or used in a Syncrho Summon or as a tribute for a Tribute Summon.



"Then I summon Dark Soul Skull King to the field in attack position and set 2 cards face down. I pay 1000 Life Points to count as the tributes for my Seal. Turn end.

Hand: 1

Life Points: 7000


OOC: Typo. I have 7000 left

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Suukii drew his 5 cards. "Draw!" He looke at his hand and then at Zarkus. "The first turn and you already brought out your seal. excellent. And, if I'm not mistaken, it can't be removed now it's been played? Even better. I summon Summon Priest in attack position, but now he's changed to defence postion by his effect. And I now equip him with mist body, so he can't be destroyed by battle. I set 2 cards and end."


LP: 8000

Hand: 2

M: 1

S/T: 3



Richard drew. "I set this card and end. The duel will be over soon...when only the attack points of a monster are important..."

LP: 8000

Hand: 1

M: 2

S/T: 2

ooc: sorry, dudes, gotta go...Dark magician girl says bye to Armageddon Man (a big "OOOoooH!" like in those shows would be appropriate here. Ciao.

D'OH! why do I always have to got to bed soon after you arrive?

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"Its my turn! I draw! From my hand, I activate Dark Soul Bounty. I discard my Dark Soul Golem to draw 4 cards from my deck. I then activate the spell card Graceful Charity. I draw 3 cards and discard 2 (both Broww, Huntsman of Dark World). I then draw 2 cards due to his effect."

Hand: 6

"Spell card activate! Polymerization! I fuse 2 Dark Soul monsters, Armageddon Knight, and Dark Grepher to summon... Dark Soul - Savior Neos!"



This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card is also treated as "Elemental Hero Neos" while it's face-up on the field. You can send this card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. All effect damage to this card's controller becomes 0.



"Meet my new Dark Soul monster! When a power of absolute light accepts the darkness and isn't corrupted by its power! Now I summon the monster Masked Assassin, and activate his effect, sending my Dark Sacrifice Duo to the grave to destroy your summon priest! I hope you're prepared to be struck with a total of 12500 damage! All my monsters, attack now!"

Savior Neos=4000

Skull king=3300 and can attack twice

Masked assassin=1900

Hand: 1

OOC: Have something funky prepeared with them f/d cards so you dont lose >_> And its because I live in Maryland. Its 4:37 here.

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OoC: I am very sorry for not being active in this RP' date=' [b']very sorry.[/b]

I have been very busy, as I am in too many RP's and Clubs. I also work in 2 shops which means I have to fill out loads of orders.

Is there any way to revive my character into the story and continue?


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ooc: A new seal appeared' date=' Richard seems to be free, kst80 dropped out so I am in control of Suukii, and I removed the people with little (or no) activity. Suukii wants Richard to bring Zarkus to him for a triangle duel to get rid of Zarkus and Richard, but since Richard is good again, he's gonna fight Suukii with Zarkus instead, but Richard left the Seal of Orichalcos in his deck. how's the sifg pic coming along?



The TL;DR version is that I showed up and sheet started getting interesting, and Im now dueling Suukii with Richard for great justice.

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ooc: (to A.M) that explains it. (to Grim) And how can't you be seen Grim? you're IN the Classroom, Suukii was talking to...never mind.


"ha! I activate a quick-play spell! Attack Redirect! I now skip your Battle Phase and inlict half of the power of your monsters to my opponent...or opponents in this case! So that's 4600!"


LP: 8000

Hand: 2

M: 0

S/T: 1


ooc: "Attack Redirect / Quick-Play Spell / Common / activate only when your opponent declares an attack. skip your opponent's battle phase and inflict half of the ATK of your opponent's life points."

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"I set this monster and end my turn." said Suukii.

LP: 8000

Hand: 2

M: 1

S/T: 1


Richard drew a card. "Like my dad always says; Get your game on! huh?!" he looked scared at the sight of what he drew. He suddenly was posessed by a small amount of darkness to make him play it. "Seal of Orichalcos, activate!" The seal appeared on top of Zarkus' Dark Oracle Seal and on Richard and all his monsters herafter. "I now activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards!" he drew his new cards. "Attack points mean everything in this duel now! I activate my face-down Skill Drain!" his LP decreased by 1000. "Now all monster effects are negated. but by removing from play Jinzo..." Jinzo vanished, "...Skill Drain..." the Skill Drain faded, "and 1 Spell in my hand..." the spell was removed as well. "...I can now summon Jinzo - Sealers of Cards in defence postion!" a team of 3 differently-coloured Jizos reverse-melted from the Orichalcos, each with a different card above them; a trap, spell and a monster. "All card effects are negated while this is on the Field, except itself. And it can't be destroyed by battle. Zarkus, your cards are worthless now, except a few of your virus cards. End turn!"


ooc: Jinzo - Sealers of Cards:


[spoiler=effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 face-up "Jinzo", "Skill Drain" and 1 Spell card in your hand. As long as this card remains face-up on the Field, negate the effects of all Spell, Trap and Monster card effects on the Field, excluding this card. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card's name is also treated as "Jinzo".


OP'ed? I think not. It doesn't negate effects from your hand deck or Graveyard, and has 0 ATK and DEF (plus hard-to-correct summoning condition).


LP: 8000-4200=3800-1000= 2800

Hand: 0

M: 1

S/T: 0

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"In response to the summoning of your monster, I activate my own facedown card! Defense Seal! You see, when you summon that monster, I remove it from play until my End Phase. In exchange, Richard, you cannot be attacked by any of my monsters, preventing any treason on my part."



Activate only when a player summons a monster in defense position. During each of your Standby Phases, you can remove the summoned monster from play until your End Phase. The controller of the monster cannot be attacked directly when the selected monster is removed. This card cannot be negated or chained to.



"Now, quick play Spell card, activate! Mystical Space typhoon! With this card Suukii, I destroy your facedown spell/trap! Now, lets try for a repeat. Dark Soul Skull King, attack both of his facedown monsters, and Savior Neos, attack him directly!"

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"No fair! Jinzo - SoC would have helped you! Now I can't get him back because it would re-special summon him! I lost all those life points for nothing!" Richard yelled, the seal on the field and on his forehead glowing like mad.


Suukii laughed as Zarkus' monster destroyed his monster. "That was a monster called happy skipper. Since you destroyed it when face-down, your battle phase is skipped and I get to draw 3 cards." he drew them. "oh, and you get 5 in return, the both of you."

ooc: [happy skipper] / EARTH / level 4 / ATK and DEF 0 / When this card is destroyed when face-down, skip your opponent's Battle Phase, then your opponent draws 5 cards and you draw 3 cards.

Richard drew his 5. "Excellent."

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"Actually, he returns to the field which is different then Special Summoning him, so don't fret."

Zarkus draws 5 cards

"Geez Suukii, you dont give up. No matter. I activate the Spell card, Impact Revive! I Special Summon the destroyed monster back from the Graveyard with 500 extra ATK points. In exchange, I can conduct another Battle Phase this turn. Now, lets make this a repeat... again, shall we? Dark Soul Skull King, attack again!"

OOC: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Impact_Revive

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ooc: thnx.


"AARRRRGH! You'll...pay for that.." Suukii had fallen backwards and rebounded from the two seals. "This...is just wjhat I want. The two seals are destroying you both, and without you, I will have an army of Orichalcos duelists, and enough souls to bring a power greater than even the great Leviathan to this world. And I assume it is my turn now?"


LP: 2100

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