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Rat Hero's/Little City.......You decide

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Monsters - 19

x2 Sparkman

x2 Clayman

x2 Malicious Edge

x3 Rat

x1 Necroshade

x3 Wildheart

x1 Stratos

x3 Earth-Hex Sealed

x2 Voltic


Spells - 18

x2 Poly (ohhhhh -_-)

x3 Miracle Fusion

x2 Skyscraper 2

x1 Shallow Grave

x2 Hero's Bond

x2 Dark Calling

x1 Oversoul

x3 Emergancy Call

x2 Lightning Vortex


Traps - 4

x3 Threatening Roar

x1 Torrential


Fusions - 13

x1 Plasma Vice

x2 Wildedge

x1 Necroid Shaman

x2 Gaia

x2 Lightning Golem

x1 Shining Flare Wingman

x2 Dark Gaia

x2 Malicious Fiend



Just Fix's and constructive crit. I knw its not the best Rat Hero's/Little City/Hero Deck ever but iv tried to put in cards that are worth having in......well apart from Poly really, im think tht it might help but we'll see. Thanks

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Woah, woah, woah...... WOAH

Wait a minute....

Monsters - 19

x2 Sparkman

x2 Clayman

x2 Bladedge NO!

x3 Rat

x1 Light-Hex Sealed NO!

x1 Necroshade NO!

x3 Wildheart

x1 Stratos

x2 Earth-Hex Sealed

x2 Voltic


Spells - 18

x2 Poly (ohhhhh -_-) NO!

x3 Miracle Fusion

x2 Skyscraper 2

x1 Shallow Grave NO!

x2 Hero's Bond NO!

x1 Dark Calling

x1 Fifth Hope NO!

x1 Oversoul

x3 Emergancy Call

x2 Lightning Vortex


Traps - 4

x3 Threatening Roar

x1 Torrential


Fusions - 9

x1 Plasma Vice

x2 Wildedge

x1 Necroid Shaman

x2 Gaia NO!

x2 Lightning Golem

x1 Shining Flare Wingman


TC, Why must you use the wrong cards?

Light Hex is un-needed.

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Arma, reducing the deck to lower than 40 won't help anyone.


02, Light Hex isn't needed, since it's effect can't SS Shining Flare by itself. You can use it to sub for Flame Wingman, but the advantage with Earth Hex is that it's searchable by Rat.

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Arma' date=' reducing the deck to lower than 40 won't help anyone.



.....Not what I ment.


I mean hes using Bladedge instead of Malicious Edge.

And he could possibly add a Snipe Hunter, Then stick Dark Gaia in thare(I dunno, For a random beatstick?)

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Thanks. I thought that it had to be type specific for any fusion lol ive changed it a bit, i think that arma is right about the malicious edge so ive added 2 of him as well as 2 Dark Gaia and 2 Malicious Fiend and taken out fifth hope for another dark calling hope its looking better now...thanks for all the help

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