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Ycm Member Fan-Fic -Episode Seven Posted-


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[align=center]Yugioh Card Maker Fan-Fic


Episode One: The Greatest Duelist, Deity Mitsu!


Solar City was a friendly place. Most people who lived there loved to duel, wanting to enter the professional circuit. Kids and Adults dueled, and some kids were better than adults. There was one duelist though, that wasn’t very good at all, for now. His name was Deity Mitsu. Deity was fifteen years old, and he loved dueling, even though he wasn’t very good. His dad used to be a professional duelist, and Deity wanted to be just like his dad. Deity got out of bed, and went into the living room to talk to his parents.


“Good morning Mom, where’s dad?”

“Your father went to the store to pick up a new duel disk for you. Today is the day you are going to start your dueling journey right?”

“Yes, and I am very excited about it. Don’t worry Mom, I am going to come visit you and Dad as much as I can. I really want to make it into the professional circuit!”

“I want you to make it too. I am so happy for you. Do you think you are ready?”

“I will continue to duel, and make my deck stronger.”

“That’s my boy, now, how about some breakfast before you go? I made pancakes.”

“Ok, thanks Mom.”


When Deity finished eating breakfast, he went to watch TV. A little while later, his dad came home, with a brand new duel disk. It looked like the original Battle City Duel Disk, except it was black, with a blue dragon along the sides of it.


“Hey Dad. Is that my Duel Disk?!”

“Yes, do you like it?”

“It’s awesome! Thank you so much!”

“No problem. I want you to make the professional circuit just like I did. This is my present for you, before you go on your journey. Have fun.”


The professional circuit wasn’t a place, but more of a group. People on the professional circuit were considered professional duelists, or “pros”. They dueled in many tournaments, and competed to be the next King Of Games. Pros were also well known, and liked by a lot of people. Deity had wanted to become a pro ever since he started dueling, which was 7 years ago, when he was 7. Many people said Deity was a bad duelist, but he didn’t care. He loved dueling, and he was determined to be a pro no matter what. After trying on his new Duel Disk, Deity prepared to go out and start dueling. He wasn’t going on a long “journey”, but he was going to Diamond City for a tournament.


“Mom, Dad, I love you guys, I am going to leave for Diamond City. I will let you know when I get there.”

“Good Luck, Deity, have fun.”


Deity then put his duel disk in his backpack, and left. He was walking through the city, when he noticed Static, the number one pro. Static was the number one duelist in the world, and he was only seventeen years old. He had never lost a duel, and he always won his duels in one turn. For that reason, not many people wanted to duel him. Deity however, had always wanted to duel Static, and he was surprised to see Static in the city. Even though Static was a great duelist, he had an attitude. He didn’t respect his opponents, he just dueled them, and walked away. Deity still respected Static, because of his dueling skills. He saw this opportunity as a chance to duel Static, so he walked up to him.


“Hi, your Static right?”

“Listen kid, I am not signing any autographs, so go away.”

“I don’t want an autograph, I want a duel!”

“You got to be kidding me, you would stand no chance against me. I am the number one duelist.”

“Then duel me. If you win all your duels in one turn, it should be no problem for you to defeat me, right?”

“Fine, I will duel you. However, if I win, you have to give me your deck.”

“What, that’s not fair!”

“That’s the deal. Do you want to duel me?”


Deity wasn’t sure what to do. He never backed down from a duel, but if he lost…….


“Ok fine, I accept, so let’s duel!”

“You can go first.”



Deity gets out his duel disk, and puts his deck in it. Static then did the same.


“Nice duel disk kid, but it’s not going to help you win.”

“Let’s do this!”

“I summon Rogue Beast Tamer in attack mode. Now, I play two cards face-down and end my turn. Let’s see if you can win in one turn!”

“I summon Manju Of The Ten Thousand Hands in attack mode. Thanks to his special ability I can add Advanced Ritual Art from my deck to my hand! I play the Ritual Spell Advanced Ritual Art, so I can send my Insect Knight and my Neo Bug from my deck to the graveyard, and summon Demise, King Of Armageddon. Meet the most powerful duel monster!”

“He is tough, but how can you win in one turn with that?”

“I’m not done. Demise, King Of Armageddon has a special ability! I can pay 2000 lifepoints and send all cards on the field except Demise to the graveyard!”

“No Way!”

“I remove from play my Insect Knight and Neo Bug to summon Doom Dozer! Then, I play the spell card Dimension Fusion! By paying 2000 lifepoints, we can both special summon monsters that are removed from play! I special summon my Insect Knight and Neo Bug! Now kid, you lose, just like I told you! Demise, King Of Armageddon, Doom Dozer, Neo Bug, and Insect Knight, attack his lifepoints directly! That’s all!”

“I lost. That means I lose my deck!”

“No, it doesn’t. I don’t need it, you can keep it. It’s not a good deck anyway.”


Static then walked away. Deity was upset that he lost, but he had more respect than ever for Static, because of what he did. Deity then put his deck and his duel disk back into his bag, and continued going toward Diamond City. His day was going great so far. He had gotten a new duel disk, and gotten to duel the number one duelist. Deity wanted this day to keep getting better. However, Drake Masters had other plans………


Next Episode: The New Destiny Hero![/align]

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[align=center]Yugioh Card Maker Fan-Fic


Episode Two: The New Destiny Hero!


Deity Mitsu was walking through the city, trying to get to Diamond City for the tournament. He was thinking about his duel with Static.

Deity was very happy about being able to duel the world champion, and he wanted to duel Static later. Deity then stopped to get something to eat, while fixing his deck and relaxing.



Drake Masters was a selfish duelist. He didn't care about anyone except himself, and he didn't care what he had to do to become the best. Drake would duel weak duelists and take their best card, and he planned on making Deity his next opponent. He knew that Deity went to get something to eat, so Drake figured he would wait until Deity was done, and then defeat him. A lot of people wondered why Drake did the things he did, and it was for a simple reason. He wanted to be the best duelist more than anything else. Drake's deck was very strong, and not many duelists could defeat it, but Static did. Drake was in the world championships, and he made it to the final round. Static was his opponent. Drake thought he would win without a problem, but Static defeated him in one turn. He wanted to defeat Static so badly, and that's why he worked so hard to make his deck powerful.


After he finished eating, Deity got up, and put his deck in his backpack, then continued to walk. Then, Drake walked up to Deity.


"Hey kid, what do you say to a duel?"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Drake Masters."


Deity knew at that moment that it was a bad idea to accept the challenge. He heard about the duelists Drake took cards from. They didn't enjoy dueling anymore after that, because they lost their strongest cards. He decided he wasn't going to duel.


"No thanks. I've heard about you, and I'd rather not duel."

"You are going to duel me, whether you like it or not."

"What do you mean?"

"I am going to duel you, and take your cards, whether you like it or not!"

"You can't make me duel!"


Drake punched Deity right in the face, sending him to the ground.


"I guess I will just take your cards then."


Drake kicked Deity, and then took the cards out of his backpack.


"Give them back!"

"You could have dueled me. But, it was easier this way anyway."


Deity was in pain, and, he had lost his cards. What could he do?


"Those cards don't belong to you."


Drake turned around, and saw a kid standing there, about fifteen years old.


"Stay out of this, it's not your buisness!"

"I'm not going to just stand here while you beat up this kid and take his cards."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Easy. I'm going to duel you. If you win, you can keep his cards and mine, but if you lose, then he gets his cards back."

"I accept. What's your name, loser."

"My name's Mikhail, and I am not a loser."

"Let's find out!"


Drake and Mikhail put their duel disks and put their decks in, then drew five cards.


"You can go first, Mikhail, I'm going to win anyway!"

"I summon Cosmic Warrior-Earth in attack mode! Now, I play one card face-down and end my turn."

"My move! I play Destiny Draw. I discard my Destiny Hero-Dasher, and draw two cards from my deck. Now I summon Elemental Hero Stratos! Thanks to his special ability, I can add my Destiny Hero-Delta Scar to my hand. You should just quit now, because I will defeat you."

"You talk a lot don't you."

"Do you want me to come over there and knock you out kid!"

"Why don't you try it?"

"Your asking for it! Now, Elemental Hero Stratos, destroy his Cosmic Warrior-Earth!"

"I play Cosmic Shield I can negate your attack, then destroy the monster that attacked!"

"My Elemental Hero Stratos!"



Deity watched the duel. He was in pain. Drake had really hurt him. He didn't understand why Drake hit him, but it happened. If it hadn't been for Mikhail, Deity knew it would have been worse.


"I guess it's my turn. So, I am going to summon Cosmic Warrior-Fire! Now, Cosmic Warrior-Earth, and Cosmic Warrior-Fire, attack his lifepoints directly! You lose 2000 lifepoints!"

"That's not fair. A loser like you can't possibly defeat me!"


Drake took his deck out of his duel disk, and took his duel disk off.


"If I can't defeat you in a duel, I can defeat you with my strength!"


Drake walked towards Mikhail, ready to punch him.


"Your going to try that? Not only am I a better duelist than you, I am a better fighter."


Deity didn't understand what was going on, but he knew he should get away.


Mikhail blocked Drake's punch, and kicked him. He didn't want to fight, but if Drake was going to do this, he would.


"Lucky move!"


As Deity watched the fight, he saw a little flash of light. Then, he noticed a deck on the ground. He picked it up, and saw that it had a lot of weird Armor Monsters. Drake kept trying to hit Mikhail, but to no avail. Mikhail was getting annoyed, so he kicked Drake, knocking him down.


"Now, stop taking cards from other duelists."


Mikhail handed Deity his deck.


"This is yours."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"No Problem."

"By the way, I found this deck. It has a lot of armor monsters."


Mikhail looked at the deck.


"No. Way."


Next Episode: Cosmic Warriors against Demise![/align]

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Yugioh Card Maker Fan-Fic


Episode Three: Cosmic Warriors against Demise!



Mikhail was holding the deck in his hand. Deity noticed that he kept looking at the deck, checking each card. Deity didn't understand why Mikhail was acting different towards that deck. After all, it was just a random deck that he had found on the ground. Or was it? As Deity tried to figure it out, Mikhail said something.


"Deity, thank you for finding this deck."

"Your welcome, but I didn't find it. There was just a flash and then I saw it on the ground. I picked it up, thinking it might have some good cards. However, I didn't recognize the monsters in there. They were armor type monsters, and I've never heard of Armor type monsters. I thought you might have."

"Not only have I heard of Armor Cards, but I used to duel with Armor Cards. This is my deck."

"How do you know that is your deck?"

"The card Trap Buster, which was my best card, is in this deck. When I used to play with this deck, I dueled with that card so much, that it eventually got ruined. Even though it was in bad condition, I still used it."

"That's awesome! I found your old deck! Why did you lose that deck?"

"I was in a tournament, and I lost a duel. Then, my whole deck was destroyed. There was a flash of light, and it was gone. I don't know what happened, but I'm very happy to have this deck. However, I think there is more to this than we understand. Why would I get my deck back now?"

"Maybe your just lucky."

"I doubt it."

"Thanks for your help with Drake Masters by the way."

"No Problem."

"What's up with Drake anyway?"

"He lost a duel to Static in last year's World Championship. Drake likes to beat weak duelists and take their cards to make his deck stronger."

"Why did he hit me?"

"Because you didn't want to duel him. It was a smart decision, because you would have lost."


Static then walked up.


"Mikhail, how's it going?"

"Not bad. Have you lost yet?"


Deity was confused.


"Wait, you two know each other?"

"Yes, we dueled in the last World Championship."

"Mikhail, you were in the World Championship too?"

"Yes. Static defeated me though."

"That's too bad. Static also defeated me."

"Dueling the new duelists Static?"

"He challenged me."

"Whatever. What do you say to a duel?"

"Ok. I won't lose. I am going to win, and I am going to win in the first turn!"

"Let's duel!"


Deity noticed a kid standing behind Static. He looked younger than Deity, and he had a duel disk on. Deity walked up to him.


"Hello, My name is Deity Mitsu. What's your name?"

"My Name Is Kyro."

"Do you know Static?"

"You could say that."

"What do you mean?"

"I will explain later."

"Ok, I will talk to you later."



Kyro thought to himself.


*This will be easier than I thought.*


Static and Mikhail each drew five cards, getting ready to duel.


"Mikhail, you can go first."

"That's ok with me. I am not going to lose easily."

"Are you going to use that Cosmic Warrior Deck I've heard about?"


Mikhail had decided on the deck he would use before the duel started.


"You will find out!"

"Ok then."


Mikhail drew one card. It was Trap Buster.


"I summon Jet Gauntlet in defense mode. Now, I play one card face-down and end my turn!"

"That's....your Armor Deck! How did you get that?"

"Deity found it."

"I don't care. I am going to win. I play the Ritual Spell [Advanced Ritual Art]. I will send my Neo Bug and Insect Knight from my deck to the graveyard, and summon Demise, King Of Armageddon!"


Deity noticed that Mikhail was about to lose.


"Mikhail, he did this combo against me! You can't win!"

"Don't worry Deity. Before you activate the effect of Demise, King Of Armageddon, I activate the effect of my Jet Gauntlet! I can send Jet Gauntlet to the graveyard to destroy your Demise, King Of Armageddon! That means your effect can't be activated!"

"No way! That's a new Armor Monster! You didn't summon that against me!"

"That was because I never got a chance to. Now, continue your move!"

"I remove from play my [insect Knight] and Neo Bug to summon Doom Dozer! I can still win. I play the spell card Dimension Fusion! I can pay 2000 lifepoints, and special summon my Insect Knight and Neo Bug. I activate Megamorph, and equip it to my Doom Dozer! I attack your lifepoints directly with all three monsters! You lose 9300!"


It was over. Static had won again on his first turn. Or did he?


"Sorry Static, but I am not going to lose yet! I activate the trap card Magnet Armor! I can special summon my Jet Gauntlet from my graveyard! Now, I send my Jet Gauntlet to the graveyard to destroy your Doom Dozer! I only lose 3700 lifepoints now, and I am at 4300."


This was Static's first duel that he didn't win in one turn.


"Static, I told you I wouldn't lose in one turn!"

"That's impossible!"


Deity and Kyro were suprised too.


"I end my turn."

"My move! I summon Psychic Armor Head in attack mode! I activate Armor Gravitation now! I can special summon four armor monsters from my deck that are level four or lower! I summon Big Bang Blow, Over Boost, Black Hole Shield, and Active Guard! Your turn!"

"That was an impressive move. But I am going to win. First, I activate the spell card Insect Knight, attack his Psychic Armor Head!"

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen! I will change the target of your Insect Knight to my Big Bang Blow!"

"I don't care what monster I destroy, you are still going to lose 1900."

"Actually, no. When you attack my Big Bang Blow and destroy it, all monsters on the field are destroyed, and we both take damage equal to the total attack of all monsters."

"That means you lose, because my Insect Knight inflicts 1900 points of damage to your lifepoints first!"

"Nope. Before my Big Bang Blow resolves, I will send my Black Hole Shield to the graveyard to make the damage I take this turn zero! So, you lose 3700! That means you have 2300 lifepoints left, and I have 4300!"

"You are a good duelist. I play one card face-down and end my turn!"

"I activate the effect of my Psychic Armor Head. If it is in the graveyard, I can special summon it. I activate the spell card Phoenix Gravitation. Now I will Special Summon Big Bang Blow, Over Boost, Black Hole Shield, and Jet Gauntlet. Then, I tribute my Over Boost to summon Double Cloth Armor in attack mode! It's your turn, and that means Black Hole Shield, Jet Gauntlet, and Big Bang Blow are destroyed."

"I summon Manju Of The Ten Thousand Hands in attack mode. His special ability lets me add Advanced Ritual Art from my deck to my hand. Now, Manju Of The Ten Thousand Hands attack his Double Cloth Armor!"

"My Double Cloth Armor has a special ability! When your monster attacks, it is destroyed and you lose lifepoints equal to half the monsters attack points! That's 700! Then, my Double Cloth Armor is destroyed."

"You are not going to win! I won't lose to you! Make your move."

"I summon Advanced Shield in attack mode! Now, Advanced Shield, attack his lifepoints directly! You only have 600 lifepoints left!"


Static draws a card, and smiles.


"I activate Advanced Ritual Art! I will send two Neo Bug's from my deck to the graveyard and summon Demise, King Of Armageddon!"

"Hey Static."


"You don't have enough lifepoints to activate it's effect."

"I don't need his effect. Demise, King Of Armageddon, attack his Advanced Shield! Your turn!"


Mikhail drew a card, and checked his hand. All he had was Trap Buster and Armor Search.


"I activate the spell card Armor Search. I can take one Armor monster from my deck with less than 500 attack points, and add one Normal Spell card from my deck to my hand! I choose my Active Guard, and [shield and Sword]! Static, you lose. I summon Active Guard in attack mode! Then, I play the Spell Card Shield and Sword! This Spell Card switches the attack and defense of all monsters on the field. Demise, King Of Armageddon (2000),Active Guard (2500),[Psychic Armor Head (500). Active Guard, destroy Demise, King Of Armageddon! Then, Psychic Armor Head, attack his lifepoints directly!"


Static had lost.


Next Episode: Tag Duel! Deity and Mikhail![/align]

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I can send Jet Gauntlet to the graveyard to destroy your [Demise, King Of Armageddon]! That means your effect can't be activated!"


Heh, this isn't true, Demise, unless the summon is negated, can have his effect activated with priority, just like exiled force can activate his effect when he is summoned EVEN IF skill drain is on the field. If you bottomless trap hole demise, you can still chain the effect, OR, if you wanted, RIGHT UPON SUMMONING, lest solemn judgment is activated, you can call priority on the effect.


Son. Pwnt.

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