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Doomkaiser Assault (OCG)

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Just because PSZ is limited, that won't stop me creating the infamous Doomkaiser OTK.


Level 7+ x6


3x Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode

3x Kasha


Level 4 or less x14


1x Mezuki

3x Assault Beast

1x Plaguespreader

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Zombie Master

2x Goblin Zombie

1x Card Trooper


Spells x11


3x Book of Life

1x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

3x Trade-In


Traps x9


3x Assault Mode Activate

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn

1x Torrential Tribute

1x The Transmigration Prophecy


Extra Deck x15


3x Doomkaiser Dragon

12x Good Stuff

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zombie world would work great with kasha




The monsters' types are checked while in the deck.


* If "DNA Surgery" is active and turning all monsters into Zombie-Type monsters' date=' they will still be non-Zombie-Type monsters while in the deck, so they will not be counted.[/quote']


also if its a assault deck why no assault beast?


To be quite honest, i have no idea what I should ditch for Assault Beast.

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zombie world would work great with kasha




The monsters' types are checked while in the deck.


* If "DNA Surgery" is active and turning all monsters into Zombie-Type monsters' date=' they will still be non-Zombie-Type monsters while in the deck, so they will not be counted.[/quote']


also if its a assault deck why no assault beast?


To be quite honest' date=' i have no idea what I should ditch for Assault Beast.



the ruling on kasha sucks lol, how about ditching the paladins for the assault beast?

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zombie world would work great with kasha




The monsters' types are checked while in the deck.


* If "DNA Surgery" is active and turning all monsters into Zombie-Type monsters' date=' they will still be non-Zombie-Type monsters while in the deck, so they will not be counted.[/quote']


also if its a assault deck why no assault beast?


To be quite honest' date=' i have no idea what I should ditch for Assault Beast.



the ruling on kasha sucks lol, how about ditching the paladins for the assault beast?


Eh, fair enough, since Paladin can only fetch Zombies and Assault Beast fetches Assault Mode Activate and the have pretty much the same attack.

Not to mention that Zombie Master already has beatstick powers and extra revival power.


-3 Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

+3 Assault Beast

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zombie world would work great with kasha




The monsters' types are checked while in the deck.


* If "DNA Surgery" is active and turning all monsters into Zombie-Type monsters' date=' they will still be non-Zombie-Type monsters while in the deck, so they will not be counted.[/quote']


also if its a assault deck why no assault beast?


To be quite honest' date=' i have no idea what I should ditch for Assault Beast.



the ruling on kasha sucks lol, how about ditching the paladins for the assault beast?


Eh, fair enough, since Paladin can only fetch Zombies and Assault Beast fetches Assault Mode Activate and the have pretty much the same attack.

Not to mention that Zombie Master already has beatstick powers and extra revival power.


-3 Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

+3 Assault Beast


yup, there you go, if i come up with anything else i'll let you know

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