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Digimon: The Children From Mysidia Character Sign-Up

The Warden

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I'm attempting a new fic based around my two custom digimon, DemiWarlockmon and BKDemiWarlockmon. Two beings destined to destroy the world. This menas they'll be targets for both good and bad, where can it all lead? Due to lack of motivation, I have only four characters, but thanks to the YCMF, you guys can help me. I'll need both human and





Appearance: (If it's a custom digimon, give description or closest possible pic)


Side: (good, evil or neutral)



Any Other Information:



Digimon Name:


Appearance: (If it's a custom digimon, give description or closest possible pic)

Stage: (Rookie, champion, etc. Delete if human)


Side: (good, evil or neutral)




Any Other Information:


[spoiler=Current Characters]

Name: DemiWarlockmon

Nickname: Demi

Appearance: A diminutive digimon, he stands at 4'6. He wears white clothes in the form of close fitting long-sleeved medievil shirt and pants with blue trim on the sleeves and pant legs. He wears small brown boots and gloves, whilst his face is covered by a hood, with only 2 yellow dots to show where the eyes are. The hood extends into a cape with the same colour scheme and the hood is held by a small chain near the neck. The link holding both chains is a sun. He carries a small slender oak staff with a white orb at the top. A small book is chained to his left hip.

Stage: Rookie

Age: ???

Side: Neutral

Personality: Playful, he and his brother just want to have fun without anything to stop them, he does display seriousness when needed. He is more serious than BK and keeps him in check.

Bio: He and his brother came from a world they call 'Mysidia'. They do not remember where or what it is, and are desperatly trying to find, with help from their friends of course. They've spent 2 years in the circus and are treated like family there. They don't even realise what they are and just consider themselves giftd humans.

Attacks: Lightning Jager, Pentus Blaster, White Magic

Any Other Information: He is capable of casting basic white magicks for some reason.


Name: BKDemiWarlockmon

Nickname: BK

Appearance: A diminutive digimon, he stands at 4'8. He wears black clothes in the form of close fitting long-sleeved medievil shirt and pants with red trim on the sleeves and pant legs. He wears small brown boots and gloves, whilst his face is covered by a hood, with only 2 red glaring dots to show where the eyes are. The hood extends into a cape with the same colour scheme and the hood is held by a small chain near the neck. The link holding both chains is a moon. He carries a small slender oak staff with a black orb at the top. A small dagger is hidden on his left hip.

Stage: Rookie

Age: ???

Side: Neutral

Personality: Playful and callous, he and his brother just want to have fun without anything to stop them, he does display seriousness when needed. He is less serious than Demi but he is kept in check by him.

Bio: He and his brother came from a world they call 'Mysidia'. They do not remember where or what it is, and are desperatly trying to find, with help from their friends of course. They've spent 2 years in the circus and are treated like family there. They don't even realise what they are and just consider themselves giftd humans.

Attacks: Darkness Jager, Pentus Destroyer, Black Magic

Any Other Information: He is capable of casting basic black magicks for some reason.


Name: Theodore Rosvelt

Nickname: The Ring Master

Appearance: The very apperture of circus masters, he wears the red general shirt and tails with it, adorned with gold buttons. He wears balck pants and usually carries a baton.

Age: 49

Side: Neutral

Personality: A jolly man, he finds humour in many things and he cares for all his employees and friends in the circus.

Bio: Not much in known about this man, but he wants to keep special eye on Demi and BK.

Any Other Information: He has four swords in his trailer which he calls 'Trump Sowrds' thta were given to him by an old friend.


Name: Argomon (Ultimate)

Nickname: Lord Argos

Appearance: Argomon.gif

Stage: Ultimate

Age: 37

Side: Evil

Personality: A cruel digimon, he uses his thorns to punish those that defy his will.

Bio: This digimon came to rule the forest sectors after destroying most of the Beast digimon population there. He controls most of the plants digimon and guards his relam with his thorns.

Attacks: Elimination Line, Imprisonment, Hypnos Claw

Any Other Information: He is dark green is colour.


Name: Stephanie McPhilleas

Appearance: 2047476992_69e89ec9d4.jpg

Age: 17

Side: Good

Personality: Stephanie is kind and gentle, taking care of wounded Digimon and people. She is also a very loveable person.

Bio: Stephanie first got to the Digi-World when she was 10 years old. When she met her partner, a Wanyamon, they were attacked by a Ogremon. But after Wanyamon digivolved to Gaomon, and then into Gaogamon, he managed to save his new partner's life. Stephanie and Gaomon has been friends ever since.

Any Other Information: She is an exellent painter, and loves to paint and draw.


Name: Drake Josh McPhilleas

Appearance: RPC1.jpg

Age: 18

Side: Evil

Personality: He is cold-hearted, not caring if his Digimon is wounded or tired, he just pushes them to fight beyond their capabilities.

Bio: Drake is Stephanie's older brother. Unlike his sister, he hates Digimon, since his best friend was killed by a Devidramon. He barely cares about his Digimon; A Weregarurumon and a ExVeemon, and forces them to fight even if they're tired.

Any Other Information: His Weregarurumon and ExVeemon are black and purple instead of Weregarurumon's white and blue-striped fur and ExVeemon's white chest and blue skin.


Name: Aban Dalibor

Appearance: Very light blue (almost gray) eyes, lightly tanned skin, messy light brown hair, taller then average (2.01 meters?), usually wears rather loose and comfy clothes.

Age: 16

Side: Neutral

Personality: a 'head in the clouds' person really. He is always thinking. Sometimes he ponders philosophy, other times why the clouds seem to be glaring at him (goes from intelligent thinking to rather... odd things in the space of seconds). However this personality leaves him rather manipulable, as he doesn't seem to care what he is doing in the present, good or evil. When actually aroused to talking to someone, he is usually cheerful. But mostly his body goes on 'auto-pilot', doing as it should, although sometimes forgetting to eat...

Bio: His parents had little time for him, always busy with their job. He did go in life without wanting anything, it would be bought. However he rarely did want anything, and would simply stroll around the street thinking. It took him an hour after entering the Digital World to notice he wasn't home anymore and barely noticed when a Digimon (Keramon) was following him, only after being defended from an attack by a small group of Dokunemon.

Any Other Information: The fact that his Digimon is Keramon, who may later digivolve into the dangerous and perhaps evil Diaboromon may mean that Aban's side has already been chosen for him, then again, perhaps not...

Also, his Digimon has taken a whole lot of self-discipline, since his partner is barely able to take care of himself. So it berates itself, and also tries to keep Aban out of the way, and does most of the talking in conversation.


Name: Kevin Stout

Appearance: aed563.png

Age: 19

Side: Neutral

Personality: Intelligent and very knowledgeable of the digital world, Serious, Brave, Strong Willpower, only cares for himself and his digimon.

Bio: At the age of 13 he was transported to the digital world and he had to defend himself from many digimon. He had heard of the digimon partnering with humans and thought thats why he was here but no digimon had accepted him as a partner.

A month after appearing in the digital world Kevin stumbled upon some ancient relics that made a shape of a circle (similar to stonehenge). When he entered the center a bright light engulfed the area and he felt as if his own soul is being spilt apart and he fell unconcious.

He was later woked up by a digimon unfamiliar to him. The digimon introduced himself as Cobaltmon and that he was Kevin's digimon partner. They became best friends after that and not long after Cobaltmon digivolved into Magnetmon.

Any Other Information: When Magnetmon gets hurt Kevin usually feels the pain as well as his digimon was created by half of his soul.


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Name: Stephanie McPhilleas



Age: 17

Side: Good

Personality: Stephanie is kind and gentle, taking care of wounded Digimon and people. She is also a very loveable person.

Bio: Stephanie first got to the Digi-World when she was 10 years old. When she met her partner, a Wanyamon, they were attacked by a Ogremon. But after Wanyamon digivolved to Gaomon, and then into Gaogamon, he managed to save his new partner's life. Stephanie and Gaomon has been friends ever since.

Any Other Information: She is an exellent painter, and loves to paint and draw.



Name: Drake Josh McPhilleas



Age: 18

Side: Evil

Personality: He is cold-hearted, not caring if his Digimon is wounded or tired, he just pushes them to fight beyond their capabilities.

Bio: Drake is Stephanie's older brother. Unlike his sister, he hates Digimon, since his best friend was killed by a Devidramon. He barely cares about his Digimon; A Weregarurumon and a ExVeemon, and forces them to fight even if they're tired.

Any Other Information: His Weregarurumon and ExVeemon are black and purple instead of Weregarurumon's white and blue-striped fur and ExVeemon's white chest and blue skin.

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Name: Aban Dalibor

Appearance: Very light blue (almost gray) eyes, lightly tanned skin, messy light brown hair, taller then average (2.01 meters?), usually wears rather loose and comfy clothes.

Age: 16

Side: Neutral

Personality: a 'head in the clouds' person really. He is always thinking. Sometimes he ponders philosophy, other times why the clouds seem to be glaring at him (goes from intelligent thinking to rather... odd things in the space of seconds). However this personality leaves him rather manipulable, as he doesn't seem to care what he is doing in the present, good or evil. When actually aroused to talking to someone, he is usually cheerful. But mostly his body goes on 'auto-pilot', doing as it should, although sometimes forgetting to eat...


Bio: His parents had little time for him, always busy with their job. He did go in life without wanting anything, it would be bought. However he rarely did want anything, and would simply stroll around the street thinking. It took him an hour after entering the Digital World to notice he wasn't home anymore and barely noticed when a Digimon (Keramon) was following him, only after being defended from an attack by a small group of Dokunemon.


Any Other Information: The fact that his Digimon is Keramon, who may later digivolve into the dangerous and perhaps evil Diaboromon may mean that Aban's side has already been chosen for him, then again, perhaps not...

Also, his Digimon has taken a whole lot of self-discipline, since his partner is barely able to take care of himself. So it berates itself, and also tries to keep Aban out of the way, and does most of the talking in conversation.


I hope it's ok, I must admit I haven't watched a whole lot of Digimon, but I like stories :).


So yeah, problems?


Well, good luck!

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Name: Kevin Stout

Appearance: aed563.png

Age: 19

Side: Neutral

Personality: Intelligent and very knowledgeable of the digital world, Serious, Brave, Strong Willpower, only cares for himself and his digimon.

Bio: At the age of 13 he was transported to the digital world and he had to defend himself from many digimon. He had heard of the digimon partnering with humans and thought thats why he was here but no digimon had accepted him as a partner.

A month after appearing in the digital world Kevin stumbled upon some ancient relics that made a shape of a circle (similar to stonehenge). When he entered the center a bright light engulfed the area and he felt as if his own soul is being spilt apart and he fell unconcious.

He was later woked up by a digimon unfamiliar to him. The digimon introduced himself as Cobaltmon and that he was Kevin's digimon partner. They became best friends after that and not long after Cobaltmon digivolved into Magnetmon.

Any Other Information: When Magnetmon gets hurt Kevin usually feels the pain as well as his digimon was created by half of his soul.


Digivolution line of Magnetmon:

Nickelmon> Cobaltmon> Magnetmon> Magnetismon> Electromagnetismon> Gravitimon


is it ok if i send you a description another day, my brain isn't working today. i have copyright laws on my digimon.

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Name: Dominic Jager

Appearance: a8fg.jpg

Age: 18

Side: Neutral

Personality: Sarcastic, yet sadistic at times, headstrong.

Bio: He himself does not know much about his past, but he is a wanderer. He scoured the earth for fun, you could say, trying to see what the world has to offer. He eventually was transported to the digital world, and was shocked by it. It was the same as earth, and yet strangely different. There he met a Dorumon and a Ryudamon. They became fast friends and started traveling the digital world, learning about other digimon. During their travels, they found Phascomon all by his lonesome. They took him in, though Phascomon barely does anything.

Any Other Information: Hates sharks, and water.

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