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Water Deck =-_ By Paranoia_Survivor_-=


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This is my friends Water Deck, it has no particular theme, its just a water deck.



7+ Lv Monsters

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus

Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedlus X2

Silent Abyss

Spiral Serpent


5&6 Lv Monsters

Des Frog X3

Terrorking Salmon

Mobius the Frost Monarch

The Ledgendary Fisherman



1-4 LV monsters

Nightmare Penguin X3

Penguin Soldier X2

Abyss Soldier

Star Boy X2

Beelze Frog X2

Gale Lizard


Gora Turtle of Illusion

Treeborn Frog

Mother Grizzly X3

Warrior of AtlantisX2

Hydrogeddon X3

Unshaven Angler

T.A.D.P.O.L.E. x3




D.3.S. Frog





Hammer Shot

Des Croaking

Enemy Controler

Big Wave Small Wave

A Legendary Ocean X3

Giant Trunade

Premature Burial

Tribute to the Doomed

Mage Power

Heavy Storm



Torrential Tribute

Dust Tornado

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell

Spell Shield Type-8 X3

Gravity Bind

Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

Xing Zhen Hu

Tornado Wall

Call of the Haunted

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If your friend is using Elemental Hero Neos and Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin in that deck, he should throw in Elemental Hero Aqua Neos, as there's no reason not to.


+1 Warrior Of Atlantis

+2 Ocean's Keeper

+3 Phantom Dragonray Bronto

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Monsters: 24

Warrior of Atlantis x3

Hydrogeddon x3

Crystal Seer x3

Nightmare Penguin x3

Abyssal Kingshark x3

Ocean’s Keeper x3

Cranium Fish x2

Card Trooper

Magician of Faith

Breaker the Magical Warrior



Spells: 12

A Legendary Ocean x3

Salvage x3

Premature Burial

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Pot of Avarice

Nobleman of Crossout x2


Traps: 4

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute



This is what a Water Deck is.

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I don't really need Giga Gagagigo. He's not really that good, I just need my Ocean's Keepers, Abysal Kingsharks, Warrior of Atlantis, and ecpecially Hydrogeddon to be stronger. He still can be used if you really want, but no effects is not good enough for me. I think Fenrir should be side decked, and a 1600 ATK fenrir is nothing to mess with (or 1800 or more thanks to Nightnmare Penguin).


What also works is a deck with Gravity Bind, Level Limit Area - A, Mermaid Knight, and Amphibious Bugroth MK-3. Mother Grizzly, Fenirir, Lekunga, Return From the Differnt Dimension, Dimension Fusion, Legendary Fisherman, Apprentice Magician (with Crystal Seer), and Mobius (not really, but he can be RFP by Fenrir or Lekunga and then RFtDD or DF) are good choices.


Abyss Soldier isn't too good, and Snipe Hunter is alot better. Bouncage is okay, but the need to discard a card (Water Monster in specific, which makes it worse) for it is not considerable. He is at least a Beatstick, but should be replaced by Warrior of Atlantis. Most other cards in that deck really sucks.

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Now Dark Bribe is out' date=' kill the Spell shields :P



No! There is no reson to give up card advantage here because there are no Burn or Appropriate! If you need spell counter, use Spell Shield (for strict) or Magic Drain (for more flexible). If you need Trap Counter for some strange reason, use Seven Tools of the Bandit. If you need Monster counter use Pulling the Rug, Black Horn of Heaven, or Solemn Judgment (best counter card ever, just don't use it early in the game unless you have to).

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