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chaotic- official chaotic thread( let's get chaotic)


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discuss not only the anime but also you can post your armies here is mine

name: underworldsupremex


creatures- battle gear for a 6v.6


barath beyond- elixer of tenacity

courage 45

power 75

wisdom 20

speed 75

energy 60


chaor- viledriver

courage 100

power 95

wisdom 65

speed 55

energy 65


barath beyond- elixer of tenacity

courage 30

power 95

wisdom 10

speed 75

energy 55


grook- prism of vacuity

courage 25

power 105

wisdom 30

speed 60

energy 50


drakness- gauntlets of might

courage 75

power 55

wisdom 75

speed 55

energy 35


pyrithion- phobia mask

courage 20

power 85

wisdom 30

speed 75

energy 55



2 inferno gust

1 torrent of flames

1 shriek shock

2 ektopasm

2 emberswarm

1 flame orb

1 viperlash

2 velocitrap

2 flashwarp

1 paral-eyes

1 power pulse

1 incenerease

1 coil crush

1 reckless reproach

1 force strike


mugic: 6

1 discord of disarming

1 song of revival(underworld)

1 melody of malady

1 refrain of denial(overworld)

1 song of fury

1 canon of casualty


locations: 10

1 Jade Pillar

2 forest of life

1 wooden pillar

1 castle bodhran

1 stronghold morn

1 lava pond

1 underworld city

1 underworld colosseum

1 cordac falls plungepool


that's my army.

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I've never tried the card game, but it actually looks good. I got fed up with their original animation after a few episodes, so I'm glas they made the switch to anime-style.


I haven't watched it for quite a while, though.


But what IS that green guy with orange hair? I never found out. He looks kind of like a mutated Furby, or a Gremlin, or even Kuwabara's soul, if any YuYu Hakusho fans were reading that. Heh heh.

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