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Kendo Fish's Mostly-Watery Unorganized Cards

Kendo Fish

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EDITS: - Added Giant Togyo, Seaside Lizard and Lava Soul.

- Put Pyrotech archetype into a separate thread.


Hi! I'm Kendo Fish, and even though I'm Weather Report's sister, I'll try not to just run around, saying everybody's fan fiction is bad. My fan fictions can be bad too.


But anyways, the real point of this topic is to showcase some of my cards. As KendoSword on the Yu-Gi-Oh card Maker Wikia, I've been working on a set called Crushing Tides. Here are some cards for it:


Name: Tough Turtle

Attribute: WATER

Level: 5

Type: Reptile

Lore: This turtle is protected by a spiky shell. When threatened it might roll over onto its enemy.

ATK: 2300

DEF: 2300


(I AM WELL AWARE THIS CARD IS A VANILLA. But 7-Colored Fish is a vanilla...and he's awesome. Or, at least he was...he had his time.)


Name: Apocalyptal Squid

Attribute: WATER

Level: 8

Type: Fish/Synchro/Effect

Lore: 1 or more non-Tuner monsters + 1 Tuner


This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is destroyed, destroy all of your opponent's monsters. Then you may Special Summon a level 4 or lower WATER monster from your Graveyard.

ATK: 3000

DEF: 2000


(Please tell me whether this should be changed or not.)


Name: Wise Squid

Attribute: WATER

Level: 4

Type: Fish/Tuner

Lore: This creature is one with the sea. Other squids look up to him for advice.

ATK: 1300

DEF: 1600


Name: Man-Of-War

Attribute: WATER

Level: 4

Type: Aqua/Effect

Lore: When this card is Special Summoned, you can choose 1 of the following effects:


● Deal 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points.


● Draw two cards.

ATK: 1200

DEF: 1400


(He really sucks, but that's what I made him for. Only really usable with A. Squid.)


Giant Tongyo

Attribute: WATER

Level: 7

Type: Fish/Effect

Lore: When this monster is summoned, you may discard a mosnter from your hand. This card gains ATK equal to that monster's level x100.

ATK: 2250

DEF: 1800


Seaside Lizard

Attribute: WATER

Level: 3

Type: Reptile/Effect

Lore: When this card is destroyed, return it to your hand.

ATK: 500

DEF: 1200


(Kind of sucks, I know. And is very much like other monsters...)


Lava Soul

Attribute: FIRE

Level: 4

Type: Pyro/Effect

Lore: During each of your Standby Phases, place a "Lava Counter" on this card. During your End Phase, your opponent loses 200 Life Points x the number of Lava Conters on this card.

ATK: 1700

DEF: 1000


I'll post some others soon. Feel free to C + CC, comment and constructively criticize.

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vanillas=fail... please don't make any... they show no creativity...

other than that quite good cards


What's a "may"?


And I assume that, by "vanilla", you mean Tough Turtle? Sorry if these terms are commonly used, I just don't recognize them. I just wanted to make a card with good playability along with "A Legendary Ocean", because if used with that, he would be a four-star 2500/2500 monster.

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Now I understand.


Also, I know that I really should be looking at the effects of existing cards, and that I should probably know what Desting Hero - Disk Commander does, but I didn't know the effects of Man-Of-War and Disk Commander were nearly the same. Oh well. Man-Of-War gives you the option to do Direct Damage, so I suppose that counts as a difference.


And weren't Summoned Skull, Gemini Elf and Gene-Warped Warwolf considered "vanilla"? I know those aren't user-created, but they are cards, and they're poweful beatsticks. I know Tough Turtle isn't a powerful beatstick, but he goes well with A Legendary Ocean, which was kind of the point. I also realize there are a bunch of bad vanillas too, though.

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Now I understand.


Also' date=' I know that I really should be looking at the effects of existing cards, and that I should probably know what Desting Hero - Disk Commander does, but I didn't know the effects of Man-Of-War and Disk Commander were nearly the same. Oh well. Man-Of-War gives you the option to do Direct Damage, so I suppose that counts as a difference.


And weren't Summoned Skull, Gemini Elf and Gene-Warped Warwolf considered "vanilla"? I know those aren't user-created, but they are cards, and they're poweful beatsticks. I know Tough Turtle isn't a powerful beatstick, but he goes well with A Legendary Ocean, which was kind of the point. I also realize there are a bunch of bad vanillas too, though.



Vanillas are cards that look like this, they aren't ment for Effects, they just contain descriptions on what it does or eats (No effect at all.)


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Here are some stuff that you HAVE TO DO:


Create a few more cards, possibly a 1800 ATK beatstick



This is your first thread right?

You're going good, but you really must work your imagination a little.


I've posted a water-cards thread right now, go check it out for some inspiration, if u want.

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Yes, I know I double-posted, but I have some new stuff to post.


Deciding not to just stick to Water cards, I have attempted to make...


Pyrotech Cards


Please tell me whether they're good, bad, overpowered, underpowered, stupid, awesome, whatever.


Pyrotech Destroyer


Level 10


Effect: 1 "Pyrotech Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Whenever a Trap card is activated, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card is attacked, after damage calculation, destroy the attacking monster.



Pyrotech Wartank


Level 8


Effect: When this monster attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of a Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card is destroyed, destroy all face-down Spell and Trap cards on the field.



Pyrotech Synchron


Level 3


Lore: This machine manages the Pyrotech ships. When a new ship is required, they call on this robot to help construct it.



Pyrotech Bomber


Level 7


Effect: Whenever a Trap card is activated, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card is attacked, change its position to face-down Defense Position.



Pyrotech Agent


Level 4


Effect: Whenever a "Pyrotech" monster is attacked, except for this card, flip a coin and call it. If you call it right, the attack is negated.



Pyrotech Soldier


Level 3


Effect: When a "Pyrotech" monster is attacked, except for this card, decrease the attacking monster's ATK by 300 during the Battle Phase only.



Mechanical Pyrotech


Level 5


Effect: Whenever a Trap card is activated, you may pay 500 Life Points to negate its effect and destroy it.







- I know the Tuner has no effect.

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here are ur mistakes


- cool cards do not mean high level cards, how do u suppose you can summon those 4 monsters with only 3 level 4/lower monsters, while 1 fails epicly?

- The tuner also sucks badly, it won't stand 1 turn

- Destroyer sucks, nothing can destroy it

- soldier's effect is too up'd, as anything can destroy level 4 or lower cards here


So, what do we get from here, make level 4 monsters FIRST.

Also, if ur not making an organized collection, then post new archetypes in new threads.

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here are ur mistakes


- cool cards do not mean high level cards' date=' how do u suppose you can summon those 4 monsters with only 3 level 4/lower monsters, while 1 fails epicly? [b']First of all, I did mention that the set was incomplete. But second, thanks for the advice.[/b]

- The tuner also sucks badly, it won't stand 1 turn

- Destroyer sucks, nothing can destroy it But if the attacker is destroyed after damage calculation, wouldn't it still count as defeating Destroyer, even though both monsters are defeated? I might just have to go double-check the rules, though.

- soldier's effect is too up'd, as anything can destroy level 4 or lower cards here Okay, I'll try and fix that soon.


So, what do we get from here, make level 4 monsters FIRST.

Also, if ur not making an organized collection, then post new archetypes in new threads. Will do.

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