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The Ultimate Trap Strategy


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Here are some Trap Cards that would be awful if you used them, but what if your opponent HAD to... Rate/Comment/Fix/Add new cards as you want




Trap Switch!

Continuous Trap

Once per turn, you may switch the control of 1 Set Trap Card on your side of the field to your opponent, without revealing it. If this card's effect is not activated, destroy this card.


Auto-Activation Button

Counter Trap

Your opponent has to activate all Trap Cards on their side of the field.


Trick Coin

Continuous Trap

Once per turn, if an effect is activated with a coin-flip, you may decide the effect of the card without a coin-flip.


Mystical Potion

Normal Trap

Flip a coin. If it's Heads, then decrease your Life Points by 800. If Tails, increase your Life Points by 700.


Random Trap Room

Normal Trap

Flip a coin. If it's Heads, destroy all monsters on the field that you control.


Corrupt Bomb

Normal Trap

If this card is destroyed, inflict 1000 Life Points to the controller of the card.


Silence Cage

Continuous Trap

The controller of this card cannot activate Spell or Trap cards.


Karma Trap Hole

Normal Trap Card

Destroy all monsters on the field. Decrease your Life Points by the number of monsters destroyed x 500.


Luring Shield

Continuous Trap

The controller of this card cannot attack. The controller of this card must Normal Summon a monster during his/her Main Phase. If he/she cannot, decrease his/her Life Points by 600.

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