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Hostel. No need to go any further.


Short and sweet version of Hostel. These 2 American dudes are backpacking across Europe with this guy they meet in the Netherlands or something or other. They're going to Barcelona to get some tail. They here about this hostel in Checkoslovakia where the local women LOVE American men. They go with the reasoning "We can either get laid and go to Barcelona, or we can just go to Barcelona. I'm getting laid!" At the hostel they get their room, with their roommates at 2 incredibly hot local chicks. Basically they go to the club, get buzzed and come back to the room and do it. Next morning, the chicks are gone, as is the the Icelandic dude Oli and the Asian chick he was partying with. The Americans look for Oli and get a picture text from him saying "I go home." Then they get another one of him with the asian chick with a factory in the background. Then the bubble gum kids (basically the junior mafia of the town) steal the guys phone. He gets the chicks from the hostel to take him to the factory where he finds out that its a business where you can pay to kill people and that his friends are dead. Two fingers on his left hand cut off, but the dude torturing him slips and this allows him to escape. He escapes in a client of the company's clothes but he goes back for the asian chick still in the building. He's driving away in a stolen car and gets to the town. He sees the two chicks and the dude who told him about the hostel and runs them over. He pays the bubble gum kids to kill the guys chasing him. He got to the train station witht he asain chick and was gonna escape when she saw her disfigured face and jumped in front of a train. He escapes on another train. He hears the voice of the guy that killed his American friend. He gets off the train at Vienna following the guy and follows him into the bathroom. He drops the card of the pay-to-kill company under the stall and when the guy reaches to get it, the American cuts the man's fingers off. Then he drowns the guy responsible for his friends' deaths, but not before letting him see his face. Then he goes home. Not that short or sweet now that you think about it.

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1.The Strangers

2.Hostel (1 & 2)

3.2 are caught at this mark:

Resident Evil Series

Scream Serries "Hello Cindy"


Exorcist isn't scary,neither is Stephen Kings It.


If we had 4.The Legend of the Mummy


The Mummy wraps its bandage round someones neck and drag's them across the floor.

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