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Well, currently, I'm working on Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom. i'm currently on the Normal difficulty and make it to the final level but get killed before the final boss.


On Touhou 6: Embodiment of The Scarlet Devil, I've beaten Remilia on Normal, I've made it to Flandre once, but I was too distracted by her cuteness to defeat her.

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I posted this topic first. D<


I've only played three games, Embodiment of Scarlet devil (my favorite), Perfect Cherry Blossom, and Shoot the Bullet.


Shoot the Bullet is annoying, because Aya moves WAY too fast.


Perfect Cherry Blossom is great, especially since you can see your hitbox, but some of the boss patterns are just plain weird.


Embodiment of Scarlet Devil has my favorite characters, and my favorite music. It automatically wins.

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