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DA's First Booster Pack (5D's)


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major problems here.


1. Bstr Name has to be all caps. no exceptions..

2. logo's too huge.

3. Render's too big for that booster size.

4. Text looks bad. Needs to be larger.

5. No outer glow around the txt. That's a problem.

6. English Edition logo is square. Teh real one is rounded square.

7. Border is odd, small, and pixeled.




Overall, your first booster is bad. It needs alot of work.



My rating, 3/10 on a normal basis. However, for a first, 5/10.

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OK then.. :(

I've updated (slightly)

When I do my next one;

-Already Capitalized ;)

-Make logo smaller

-Make render smaller

-Text will be bigger

-Outer glow on text

-Round the 'English Edition' logo

-I like the border but I'll make it larger ;)


Got to remember that then ;)


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