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Okay, another contest from me. This time I am looking for a 10 card . The theme of this deck is Jack_Spicer from the show Xiaolin Showdown.


Must contain 3 effect monster, 2 Spell and 2 trap cards revolving around Jack, the other 3 can be based on Shen Gong Wu or more thing related to Jack if you like.


Try to find images from the show.


Also Set ID: must be IOS

Serial Number: Spicer##



1st place : 3 rep 300 points

Best over all card 2 rep 150 points




Contest ends November 5, if I do not have more that 5 complete entries this contest is canceled. If you submitted an entry and the contest was canceled I will give you a rep and points for your time.

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well' date=' many people aren't going to enter because

1 you must make a whole deck

2 you must know what that show is(you should put a link to that shows website for people who don't know what it is)



Making a Whole deck is not that hard (you can use some cards that exist just rename them and give them a pic that represent the show in some way.


I gave links in first post just click the names of the character or show

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Bump, Hello all you creative card makers come test your skill here....

The link in first post about Jack Spicer is down. if you ned info hope this helps


The Xiaolin Warriors' first and most annoying nemesis. Jack Spicer is notable for his robotic engineering, long rants, overuse of the word "evil" and his repetitive self-proclamation of "evil boy genius". He was responsible for releasing Wuya from the puzzle box Grand Master Dashi locked her in, and aids her in finding Shen Gong Wu to conquer the world. Jack has aided the Xiaolin Warriors on occasion, and does show occasional leanings toward good. However he always winds up back on the evil side. As a reflection of his character his preferred Shen Gong Wu is the Monkey Staff. It was the only Shen Gong Wu he is left with at the end of the series.

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