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Anime RP - Stranded [[Finished!]]


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Eisaka said, "HOLY CR-" before he could finished Sarika screamed. Eisaka gave her a hug and said, "Wait here for a sec."

Eisaka stood up and yelled across the plane, "IS EVERYONE OK?!?!?"

Mostly everyone yelled out yes.

Eisaka walked to the cockpit and asked the pilots, "What's happening?!?!?"

The pilot answered, "We're goin down!!"

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The plane lifted off the ground. Eisaka decided to have a sleep.

"Zzzzzzz." snored Eisaka.

"Hehehe Eisaka's snoring." Sarika giggled.


OoC: I got my eybrow pierced yesturday =D


ooc: good job now if you get your tounge and lip youll be hella savage like me


nicck looks out the window then back to the seat in front of him.he turns up his Ipod

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Eisaka said, "Look! I see an island to the right of the plane. EVERYONE, MOVE TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE PLANE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

"Sh*t!" "Land in the ocean and get eaten by sharks or land on the island and struggle to survive..." Sarika said. Eisaka thought, "This ISN'T happening..."

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OoC: Another Anime RP? I'm so in!


Name: Tetsuo

Apperance:(must be pic) 089.jpg


Like this, but with blue eyes instead and wears glasses as well.


Friends: Nova, Nick, Faith and Christana.

Personality: Kind and Calm, but yet Cocky and likes to have a laugh every now and then! despte this, he tries to help anyone who's in trouble or down.


A bit of a Game fanantic, so will usually use game references


Bio: With an English Father and a Japanese Mother, he's both polite and active. Desptite being a game fanatic, he's quite athletic and a good runner, as well as claiming to know Kick Boxing, Judo and Wrestling (Just in case he needs to fight, which usually happens in almost every RP)


A few weeks ago however, he made an amazing discovery about his own potential...He found he had a superhuman ability (Which will be reviled in the RP), and little does he know, this will come in handy when the plane crash occurs...


Hope this is ok! Oh, and the credit for the image goes to ntsnts33!

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OoC: Another Anime RP? I'm so in!


Name: Tetsuo

Apperance:(must be pic) 089.jpg


Like this' date=' but with blue eyes instead and wears glasses as well.


Friends: Nova, Nick, Faith and Christana.

Personality: Kind and Calm, but yet Cocky and likes to have a laugh every now and then! despte this, he tries to help anyone who's in trouble or down.


A bit of a Game fanantic, so will usually use game references


Bio: With an English Father and a Japanese Mother, he's both polite and active. Desptite being a game fanatic, he's quite athletic and a good runner, as well as claiming to know Kick Boxing, Judo and Wrestling (Just in case he needs to fight, which usually happens in almost every RP)


Hope this is ok! Oh, and the credit for the image goes to ntsnts33!



OoC: Accepted =D

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"Holy Sh*t!" Eisaka yelled. "WE'RE GUNNA CRA-" Before he could finish, the plane smashed the ground.. Eisaka's leg was cut from the knee halfway down his shin, "F*CK AHHHHHH!" Eisaka screamed. Amazingly, everyone survived.. Barely.

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OoC: Time for my drematic intro! :mrgreen:


*As soon as the plane crashed,some oen at the front was launched all the way to the back*


Tetsuo: BOLLIIIIIIIIIIX!!!! *Vrashes into the wall behind everyone else. Mariculasly, he gets up again* ...I'm ok. *The plane crashes even more, launching him upwards and hitting his head on the roof* Ok, no I'm not...

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Sarika got out her First Aid Kit and tied a bandage around Eisakas leg' date=' "It's gunna be ok.." Sarika said.[/i']


Tetsuo: hey, waht abou me? I've just received a *Low voice* Concusion! (OoC: Man that was a terible YouTube quote...)

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Sarika said' date=' "I don't have anything for concusions.. Sorry."[/i']


Tetsuo: Well *High pitched voice* DAM!!! *Coughs* Anyway, I know that this isn't the time and place, but my names Tetsuo by the way. *Plane shakes even more, as it skids onto the beach/ireland thing*

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