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The starwebs1 "Super Mario Galaxy" Discussion


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[align=center]Why am I the only person that thinks that this game isn't that good?

For starters, it doesn't have any multiplayer (but I suppose that would be pretty pointless).

The storyline seems pretty vague and when it does explain it at the beginning it seems queer (I don't like fairytales).

Does Mario have to go "Woohooo!" every time you jump?

Mario goes all over the place when you try to move.

As well as all this the graphics are pretty meh, but I suppose thats Wiis for you.


I prefer more grim, violent games. *points to signature*[/align]


its better in the start

Its wierd at the start

what does BUMP! mean

When you comment in a thread it adds the thread to the top of the page. You could write anything' date=' but BUMP seems easiest.[/size']

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Yeah' date=' I just found out. I didn't know before.



Not to be rude, but what rock have you been living under? The game came out back in 07 and even before the start of 08 this was common knowledge. It's now 09, a year and a half later, and your saying you just found this out........:?

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