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can anyone say aliens ftw? no? really?

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this is my first attempt at an alien deck, i've tested it and it works out pretty nicely its 42 atm but im not sure what to drop to make it 40 any how


18 monsters


3 alien ammonite

2 Rose, warrior of revenge

3 alien warrior

3 alien overlord

2 alien mother

2 alien kid

3 alien telepath


15 spells


3 code A ancient ruins

1 “A” cell incubator

3 mysterious triangle

2 allure of darkness

1 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon

1 swords of revealing light

1 level limit - area b

1 monster reborn

1 card of safe return


9 traps


3 planet pollutant virus

2 offering to the snake deity

1 mirror force

1 gravity bind

3 reckless greed (or solemn i duknow)


extra deck:


3 gol'gar

2 stardust dragon

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