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I didn't get an opportunity to see this card being played competitively but in my friends' Decks when I played it.... ITS ANNOYING.. think about a once-per-turn Book of Moon. If a monster is face-down, then it won't do its effect and will easily be killed... you will get around Stardust Dragon, DAD, etc. easily (in my case, my friend destroyed my Dark Paladin, which he wouldn't have been able to if it was book of moon.) or you can use it on your own monsters (my friends used this card with magician of faith and got a Spell Card every turn)

but back then nobody around me had alot of stuff that negated monster's effects so... I'm not sure..... taking in concideration that Magician of Faith is banned... what else can you do with this card?... well... hmmm.. there's the advantage that being a spirit, its untouchable for attacks because it goes back to your hand....

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The Tsukuyomi Lockdown was very popular in Japan, but was decimated in the March 2006 List changes, and totally eradicated in the September 2006 List changes.


It involved the following cards:



Mask of Darkness

Time Seal (Drop Off can effectively serve the same purpose)

The aim is to keep flipping Mask of Darkness getting back either Time Seal or Drop Off, and using Tsukuyomi to flip it face-down again, to keep re-using it's effect. You then set Time Seal/Drop Off, and attack directly using Tsukuyomi. On your opponent's next turn, you then activate Drop Off or Time Seal (Time Seal is best used when the opponent's Draw Phase has already been skipped, and Drop Off is best used when it hasn't been).


This is obviously best attempted with a clear field and minimal cards in your opponent's hand


could come back, could be seen in some flippy decks thats it really

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you will get around Plasma easily




But yeah' date=' the card's a free book of moon every turn. That can get annoying....



my bad, point taken ^-^"

can't believe I skiped such an obious detail :( (fixing)


so, the card can come back? FLIP monsters are not used as much (so slow) so... I guess it will help them make a come back (or try to)...


while we are at it... why was Time Seal Banned? I don't see much more impact on using it than in using drop off or Drastic Drop Off....

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while we are at it... why was Time Seal Banned? I don't see much more impact on using it than in using drop off or Drastic Drop Off....


Konami tends to ban cards that are used a lot in the meta' date=' and that must've been their reason, but it's also banworthy because it's a chainable card that slows down the opponent like no other card (with one exception). If you don't see it coming, you might spill a MST on it, and if you do see it coming, there isn't a lot you can do about it. And losing 1 Draw Phase isn't something you should [i']not[/i] want to negate.

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