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Sonic Adventure 2: Battle RP You have to have it to join

Christian Exodia

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If you have the game you know. Only if you have the game you may join.


Available Characters:




Dr. Eggman

Any Boss


Taken Characters:

Shadow(Supreme Gamesmaster)


Or, to alter the Game/Rp, make your own(Mine as an example; Limit 2):

Name: Christian

Age: 14

Type Of Character(Robot, Human, Hedgehog, e.t.c): Human

Powers Or Weapons: Jetpack, plus he has Psychic Powers.

Ending: Fights the Final Boss with the Two, but almost kills himself helping them make the ultimate Power

Disabilities: Like Shadow, his former life strikes him occasionally.

Good Or Evil: Good; but gets Hypnotized to Evil during the middle

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Your character is the ultimate Gary Stu. Honestly, a human Shadow with Sonic's speed, ærokinesis, and Hyper mode... and Shadow's cheesy angst and amnesia?


I'll join, but only if you can get that eyesore of a Gary Stu out of the picture.

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or ill make my own :D

Name: Zeke

Age: 10

Type Of Character(Robot, Human, Hedgehog, e.t.c): Fox with 3 tails

Powers Or Weapons: his tails, wich can controll wind

Ending: He helps defeat he finale boss.

Disabilities: He cant realy controll his tails

Good Or Evil: Good

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



I'm Sonic and Shadow; the former to make him angstier, and the latter to make him less angsty. O,x


For the record, it's either "etc" or "et cetera".


Name: Devrak Ichorst Erinaceid

Age: 15

Type Of Character: Human

Powers Or Weapons:

•789.9 mph Top Speed (Sonic the Hedgehog)

•Passive Ærokinesis (Sonic Heroes)

•Chaos Affinity White — Can initiate a Super transformation in those with Sol or Chaos affinities (Sonic the Hedgehog 2; Sonic Adventure 2/Battle; Sonic Rush)

•Chaos Affinity White — Can achieve a Hyper form equivalent to a god with both Chaos and Sol energy (Sonic 3 & Knuckles)

•Quill Grade — Can alter his quills' hardness to cut metal or become soft as velvet (Sonic the Hedgehog; Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

Ending: Transforms himself and Shadow into their Super forms via his Chaos affinity and battles the Finalhazard. Both combatants survive, though Shadow would have died had one of Dr. Eggman's orbital facilities not been near the area. Immensely guilty, he tries to turn the Eclipse Cannon on himself; however, the Chaos Emeralds return to the Special Stages too quickly. He then sets off in search of the Chaos Emeralds, though his metallic doppelgänger is also after them...

Disabilities: Breathes through his pores, and so drowns far more quickly than most other living beings.

Not terribly strong offensively or defensively, unless he is using his epsilon-grade quills.

Like other ærokinesers, he lacks genitals; hence, he is obviously unable to reproduce.

Good Or Evil: Leader of Good


Name: Shadow

Age: 51

Type Of Character: Homunculus

Powers Or Weapons:

•Can Tolerate 754.6 mph Speeds

•Air Shoes (Weapon)

•Quill Grade

•Chaos Affinity Green — Can use Chaos Control offensively, with moves such as Chaos Spear and Chaos Rift (Sonic Adventure 2/Battle; Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood)

•Doomblood — Immune to most poisons, vacuum compression, and various other lethal media (Shadow the Hedgehog)

Ending: Is transformed to Super Shadow


Has a somewhat primordial sex drive

Good Or Evil: Both



EDIT: Dear gods, how many people directly attack the Finalhazard?

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