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The Elder Scrolls: Total Reign |Only accepting trough invites anymore|


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"Tell me all the information you know about the rebellion Redgaurd"

The redgaurd was sat against a wall with a sword stabbed in his left shoulder.

"Tell me now" the soldier demanded and slightly twisted his blade in the redgaurd's shoulder.

"AAARRRGGGHHH" he screamed out in pain. He was losing a lot of blood in this interigation.

"If you don't tell me i'll stand here and watch you bleed to death" the soldier said sinisterly

"Ok all i know is that there is a Breton and a Dunmer who are meeting up in the Imperial City" the Redgaurd finally revealed.

"Hmmm..." the soldier pondered for a second "that will suffice as some information" he then pulled his sword out of the Redgaurds shoulder. "But now that means your expendable" the soldier then created a fireball in his left hand and thrust it into the redgaurds face and expolded it into bits of brain matter, bones and blood that now stains the wall which he rested on.

The soldier walked out of the blood stained house which was full of other followers of the rebellion. A small group of light infantry turned round and faced the soldier.

"Captain Mikura did you get any information" the group leader asked.

"Yes and now i'm heading off to the Imperial City to follow that lead" the Captain replied as he mounted his horse. He then set off to the City.


OoC: is that ok for an intro Hidden

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OoC: Choroll... Redgaurd who know of the actions of the rebellion, it looks like you killed old Redgaurd, and i suppose the soldier is you? Yeah, that suffices.

"The Temple of The One..." He said as he looked up at the giant round building. "Now i only have to wait until the Dunmer gets here." Varren sat down against the walls that where build around The Temple like a wheel.

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The Statue of Akatosh continued to grow more impressive as Brandon drew closer. "This is likely to be a well guarded area... I should be on the look out." Slipping on his very unique detect life ring, he took a brief intake of the essences that were now part of his vision. The majority, were horizontal and relatively pathetic, the commoners and beggars of the city. Every other life force was strong, guards, noblemen and women. However, one stood out from the crowd... He had an exceptionally powerful energy, similar to a guard captain, except he was not an Altmer.

"If he is not part of the Rebellion then I am not fit to be a mercenary." Brandon thought finally, "What is the code? 'What business brings you here?' and the answer 'I merely want to witness the changes in the land'." He walked over and sat down next to the Breton. "What business brings you here, friend?"

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OoC: Ring of Life Detection should be spelled with capitals :)

Does that means means you're with the rebelion as well, Fallen Hero?


"Ah, the business of the bueatiful women took me here." Varren said as he was enjoying with his eyes closed, but he wanted to see who he was talking to and noticed a Dunmer, exactly the same as Old Redgaurd described in his letter for the rebelion. "A Dunmer, huh? I believe your name is Brandon, am i right?"

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"It means that you're from the Rebelion." He whispered. "To proof it to you... Here." He took out the note and gave it to him then he leaned back against the wall, "Read it." He said with his eyes closed again "It holds information that shows that i am from the Rebelion."

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Brandon snatched the note, perhaps a little too vigorously.


'Fellow Rebel, i have received important information about a Dark Elf called Brandon, he is coming to the Imperial City In approximately he will arrive in the City in a day or two...'


"Do you know why we are supposed to be working together?" Brandon asked cautiously, "Your employer may not have told you that I am not much of a team player..."

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"The thing is, they tend to trust the Bretons who come to the Imperial City so i have a normal house with a cellar leading to the sewers incase they're on to us." He whispered back.

OoC: Yes, the entrance is that door that you can't open with anything, Luls.

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"Oi, you don't know where i live." He got up and walked towards the Market District. "Funny enough i live in the Market District, not many men living there." He walked trough the gate and hurried trough the streets of the District reaching the house. "Well, here we are. There are supplies if you need to restock on potions, arrows or enforcements of Armour and Swords."

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"Way of a Dunmer, huh?" He let out a small laugh while putting the bag full of coins on the table. "My mission is to be on the lookout for anything that has been adressed to Ocato or anyone of importance in the Imperial Gaurd, like that Hieronymous Lex fella'. But i've been scouting for like a half year and i do expect another assignment soon."

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"So what your saying is that we wait for the moment?" muttered Brandon. This job was beginning to look more and more boring by the moment. He swiped and apple of the table and took a massive bite out of the centre. "Is there somewhere that we can train?" he said, spraying bits of fruit everywhere.

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"You're gonna have to mop the floor!" He laughed. "Now to be serious, my house leads directly to the sewers, do you want to train your skills more because we have all the time we need." He said while taking a bunch of keys that where linked together, he took a key that looked like a crown and insterted it in the key hole and the door opened itself. "Care to come?"

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Captain Mikura arrived at the Imperial City and went over to a group of infantry, they saw him and saluted. "Soldiers, i want you to report to the others to look out for strange activities that might be going on. Especially look out for any Bretons and Dunmer. When you have any information report back to me" ordered Captain Mikura. "Yes sir" they replied and set off to warn the others. "Now where could they be" he thought then he dismounted from his horse and went to look around.

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OoC: Nice one.

"Go downstairs, Brandon... I have to get something in the Markets." He said and walked out of the house. He saw that a troop of Imperial Gaurdsmen where hasting trough the city. "Could it... Maybe they found us? Well, it's a risk worth taking." He thought as he walked towards the Divine Elegance.

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