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My IRL Glads- No E-Hero P

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Monsters -20

3x Laquari

2x Darius

3x Samittie

1x Equeste

1x Bestiari

1x Retiari

2x Murmillo

1x Secutor

3x Test Tiger

2x Rescue Cat

1x Grand Mole


Spells -12

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Smashing Ground( 1 for 1 kills are great)

2x Shrink

3x Cold Wave

1x Respite

2x Proving Ground


Traps -8

3x War Chariot

3x Waboku

2x Defensive Tactics


I don't like the E-hero in a gb deck, i know it helps the deck but i just dont like seeing him in there. Rate/Fix

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Don't like Respite ~ too much of a dead draw too often.


actually i disagree with you, if you play glads right, you usually have alot of cards in hand and at least 2 cards will be cards with Gladiator Beast, also drawing into a murmillo or a secutor sucks, Respite helps with that

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Not necessarily ~ he doesn't goddamn need to be at 3. How does it make it faster? They're all searchable.


faster in the fact you can just summon from your hand if your already have 2 g-beast already on the field

-2 Defensive

+2 Bottomless


bottomless sounds fun, but im not sure if its needed in glads, i'll play test it though

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Don't like Respite ~ too much of a dead draw too often.


Respite is actually fine. As long as it isnt run at 3. Then it can become a dead draw.


Yeah laquari shall be at 3. Faster Heraklinos.


Secutor does the faster Heraklinos job a lot better.


I want to fit a 2nd Respite in there, should I or is it fine at 1?

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