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this is a discussion as to who the best player is, but not just at duelling, deckbuilding, friendliness, understanding of the game, contributing to the forum, and helpfullness are also up for discussion.


So, by all means say who you think is the best, but lets not argue eh?

(Im talking to you ash xD)


Lets start off witha simple one:


Who is better?


Sart or me? (and i don't want any incriminating comments from anyone)


If you want to discuss different things thats fine, but keep it civil.

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I'd be at the top.


How did you NOT have a challenge against me remix duelist person?


You lost 2 monsters and 1 trap. I didn't need to do much else to win. All you did was set a monster and a trap and I dusted the trap, phoenix wing wind blasted the monster twice then exiled another once then another. Then you MST'd a DEAD Call, LOL.


People like me, Remix. Something you'll probably not experience. I have friends and enemies alike. All is needed to improve. If I need help, I have people here to help. If I need a certain card for a tournament, I can get that easily.


To be frankly honest, I just see this topic as a way of george getting people to say he's better than me, etc. But fact speaks for itself, and if you think I'm arrogant, check duelistgroundz. Many better players than me all with GIANT egos.


Anyway, George, I know you better than anyone here. You've lost the plot, lol.

George relayed his whole game to me and I was disappointed on how many bad moves and misplays he made, like setting dda. I guess he might have been more of a match in that aspect as you'll equally ranked imo.




Whoever suggest dueling, a persons ability cannot be decided on one game, but a whole multitude.


Mine and George's overall record against eachother is like 150 to me, 10 to him if that shows anything. As well as that, I have good connections and am in Fatal Union.



Remix is obviously biased against me after tonights events, but then again, who is he to judge how good myself and george is? He's nobody and is just a jealous kid.


Like everyone, I'm still improving, but at a much higher level than most.



If you wish to dispute, be my guest, but fact places me at a much higher level than everyone else here.

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Although I do agree with you in some points, imo chaoserver is the greatest duelist that has ever been on ycm.


And yes, you are a better duelist than me, so is george. Sartorius, the fact is, I did beat you.

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I'm sorry,but there is no proof towards that.I do not mean to offend you,because yes,you are a very good duelist,but you cannot state that what you just said is a fact.You say that who's better cannot be decided on 1 duel,well,will it ever be truly decided?A duel is based on the luck of the draw,and drawing the right cards,therefore,anybody with at least a decent deck is able to beat any other duelist if they get the right cards(Unless they don't know how to play the game:P)

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I am at least ten times better than chaos too.


Heck even George is better than him.


I pity your arrogance. Chaos doesn't net deck all his decks to say the least. And seriously, you have been OVERLY cocky today, getting pissed off at Star because he beat you in ONE funking DUEL, seriously, you need to chill. Though Star going and posting it so blatently rude was not the coolest thing, you should have been the bigger man and let it go. If you are so much better (at yugioh) than everyone on this site, then one arrogant noobs comment should not bother you in the least. Plus, he beat george, so what, was your tourney so thrown off by that, did it bother you that much that TWO vortex members (no quarrel with george or vortex intended with this) lost to Star?


Sart, does it HONESTLY bother you THAT much?

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Static: Okay, so he's better than george. No it doesn't bother me and it didn't at the time. So what if he's one of the luckiest people I've played? Doesn't make him any good.


I don't need to netdeck, I haven't used a netdecked deck for at least 5 months now.



Deity: I do have fact though :/



Anyways, I can see this becoming a flame-fest, so this should be locked/deleted.

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I am at least ten times better than chaos too.


Heck even George is better than him.


i have to say i agree, chaos, as good as he is, has lost on SEVERAL OCCASIONS to me in MATCHES.


static, i respect what you are saying, and i know you did not intend to argue, but please dont' bring me into it again.....


asd ash, u know star isn't a better duelist than me (or are we talking about chaos?)

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personally, there is no "best" duelist on this site

the only way to work this out is to have a tournament

but i agree on the blacklist thing, sounds awesome


So, whoever agrees on the tournament on whoevers the best, thats will be cool, then the blacklist can be stated


But like as i said, NO ONE and i said NO ONE is a best duelist

the game is based on stratergy and luck





But since every good duelist on this site will have a Monarch deck... it will eb very exciting -_-

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What.... Is this.... Libel.



Sart and George, I confess myself dissapointed. To lie to boost ones ego on an obscure forum not even geared for the gameplaying aspect of a childrens card game is sad.


Sart, we have duelled but only about a few matches. You used a copied gadget deck and scooped in such a frequent fashion it was almost laughable. If your ten times greater than I, it must certainly not be at Yugioh, though I must ponder what it could possibly be, with you being the housebound individul that you are.


George, I like you so I'll opt to keep this kind. We haven't dueled, lest I be mistaken. I asked you recently actually but you said your YVD doesn't work, so how I could have faced you is a puzzle in itself, as I ONLY duel on YVD and very recently GKO. Lying saying that you have beaten me in matches is immensely disrespectful. If you intend on lying then I would advise you do it when you have more to gain and the individual your lying about isn't your friend, if you regard me as such.


On that note, if you both aren't too traumatized and ashamed of losing to star trainer I'd happily duel either of you and have Static or Star broadcast the results here. I have been busy as of late and may be slightly rusty, and note on often, however given your current losses Im certainly confident I could defeat either of you should you come before me. So feel free to contact me on MSN, as I'm not actually returning merely dispelling your bullshit.




Given my abscence though, the most well rounded duelist here is George, as though Im aware he has netdecked, he is generally wise and capable of some originality. Sart, your arrogance is as usual unwarranted, I sincerely hope you dont speak this way on the majority of forums, as you must be publically embarassed often because the community of other sites are MUCH more skilled.


Fare thee well.

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The great Chaos, like a comet, crashes back to our great forum anihilating half of the arguments placed in this thread in the one, swift post and, just like a true comet, fanishes on impact, barely leaving any debris, or evidence for that matter, except of course for the large crater in the ego's of his victims, they know who they are.


The Frunk will lock this now, I bet it was fun while it lasted.

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